How to affilitate with DTRS

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Jun 28, 2003
For those of us addicted to Motorola products....
and have the desire to use personal radios at work....
Or perhaps work at an multiple agencies.....
or have an employer that's too cheap to buy a "real radio"

What does it take to have a radio affiliate with the appropriate and authorized sites/towers/talkgroups/agencies ....what ever the appropriate term would be. This would be for receiving and transmitting on AUTHORIZED talkgroups.

Is it possible to monitor adjacent talkgroups but with transmit inhibited, such as local Law Enforcement.

Please refrain from flaming me, I'm just asking for some education, not to get on those DEA covert, Homeland Security encrypted, SWAT runs or the Denver I-calls discussing the Cops social lives.... So please spare me the lectures. ..... I've already seen agencies putting scanners on the dash of thier vehicles to overcome this problem. Really >>>> I know someone is dying to say something about this question. Just Say No


May 1, 2002
Not trying to be a smart ass, but you are dreaming.
The State controls the programming with an iron hand, would NEVER let a personal radio on the system, and would turn it into a brick if they detected a bogus #, it would only scan 16 talkgroups at a time, and you could buy six digital scanners for the price of 1 motorola.
Most of the non-LE radios are being purchased with grants, so if you suck up to the boss he will probably give you one. I hope you use suspenders, because those motorolas' are so heavy it will pull yer pants down. :eek:


Jun 28, 2003
See there's the problem.... I've got an XTS3000 already on 800. Theoretically, it'll cost me more to get a scanner, and you still can't talk on one.

My XTS is digital, 9600 Baud, smartzone, smartnet, MDC and a few other things in the flashcode I don't really understand.

How sure are you about only scanning 16 talkgroups? The VHF version of the same radio is capable of much more than that. I have seen them programmed with different scan lists for each personality. For example, you might have a primary bank with your most frequently used channels (talkgroups) but when you selected, say, LAw Enforcement, it would then scann all of the Police related Freq's. I've also looked at this rather extensive database, and it's very comprehensive when it comes to talkgroups, but I see counties with well over 16 talkgroups in thier list.

Does anyone here have a codeplug from one of the DTRS radios to compaire?


Dec 19, 2002
Stuck in traffic on I-25
I dont mean to be a downer but there are several flaws to your plan:

1) The DTRS radios that the state uses will cost you roughly $3,500 a piece.

2) Zones, programming, and equipment are EXTREMELY controlled. As random as the state DTRS seems, there is a method to the madness. Portable and Mobile radios are granted on a radio for radio basis, as are the channels/talkgroups. For example, if your agency has 12 portable radios on old VHF frequencies and you make the switch to DTRS, your agency will only be allowed to have 12 portables granted for use on the DTRS unless you get a special exception from the state. Same goes for channels, if you have 2 channels your agency can only have 2 talkgroups on the DTRS, unless a special exception is granted.

3) I have never heard of somebody purchasing a personal radio for use on the DTRS. Most times, the agency issues or assigns you a radio which you can use as your personal.

Conclusion: Dont do it. Youll end up spending a small fortune ($3,500) for a doorstop. Unauthorized equipment will NOT last long on the DTRS, the radios affiliate every time they are turned on or switch talkgroups and it wouldnt take long for the swift hand of DTRS style justice to render your portable a brick. I would stick with and be content with digital scanners, unless your agency specifically issues you a DTRS radio.

Just some helpful advice/guidance.

[edit]: it would probably be to your benifit to sell your XTS and get a Pro-96 or a BCD396T. The XTS doesn't operate as a scanner very well, its scan speed is relitavely slow and it is very limited in how it can be set up. As far as codeplugs/flashport info goes, youll be hardpressed to get someone to share that info. There are specific options that need to be enabled for your XTS to follow the system correctly.
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Jun 28, 2003
Yeah, I'm starting to see your point(s).

A $3,500 radio would sell nicely and result in at least three of the newest GPS enables BC996's I read about....

Anyone want to buy an XTS3000 Model III?
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