National Forest Freqs.

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Mar 12, 2004
It is very difficult to find the freqs. for the national forests, and impossible to find the freqs. for the Gifford Pinchot NF in Washington.


Nov 5, 2002
If you follow the logical sequence, you can locate it with a few clicks:

1. Washington 2. US Government agency page 3.Department of Agriculture category 4. US Forest Service subcategory 5. alphabetically listed

US Government

Input Frequencies:         Updated in the last 7 days            Updated in the last 24 hrs

Department of Agriculture
US Forest Service

Frequency 	Input     	License 	Type 	Tone 	Alpha Tag 	Description 	Mode 	Tag 
168.62500 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS AirGard	Air Guard 	FMN 	Federal 
168.31250 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G A	Air to Ground A 	FMN 	Federal 
167.30000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G B	Air to Ground B 	FMN 	Federal 
167.62500 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G C	Air to Ground C 	FMN 	Federal 
167.37500 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G D	Air to Ground D 	FMN 	Federal 
167.45000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G E	Air to Ground E Wenachee 	FMN 	Federal 
167.55000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G F	Air to Ground F 	FMN 	Federal 
168.28750 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G G	Air to Ground G 	FMN 	Federal 
167.47500 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G H	Air to Ground H R6 Common 	FMN 	Federal 
169.15000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G O	Air to Ground O 	FMN 	Federal 
171.10000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS Ch/Doug	Chelan/Douglas Counties 	FMN 	Federal 
[COLOR="Red"]406.42500 	   	 	F	555 NAC	GPNF Link	Gifford-Pichot National Forest - Link 	P25 	Federal [/COLOR]
168.55000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS ICP	Incident Command Post 	FMN 	Federal 
168.02500 	   	 	M		USFS LE Com	Law Enforcement Common 	FMN 	Federal 
170.12500 	   	 	M	146.2 PL	USFS WA Proj	Project Fires WA 	FMN 	Federal 
171.47500 	164.62500  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS CalsplE	Region 6 Calispell East 	FMN 	Federal 
171.42500 	164.62500  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS R6 Cntr	Region 6 Central Stevens/Ferry 	FMN 	Federal 
170.55000 	169.57500  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS R6 East	Region 6 East Ferry/Stevens 	FMN 	Federal 
171.55000 	169.57500  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS FerryCo	Region 6 Jacknife - Ferry 	FMN 	Federal 
169.60000 	   	 	M		USFS R6 Law	Region 6 LE Tac 	FMN 	Federal 
169.87500 	172.35000  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS Methow	Region 6 Methow Valley  	FMN 	Federal 
164.82500 	169.00000  	 	RM	CSQ	USFS Pomeroy	Region 6 Pomeroy 	FMN 	Federal 
164.96250 	   	 	M	146.2 PL	USFS R6 Prog	Region 6 Project Umatilla NF 	FMN 	Federal 
170.47500 	166.85000  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS Tonaskt	Region 6 Tonasket Area 	FMN 	Federal 
171.78750 	163.37500  	 	RM	CSQ	USFS Walla	Region 6 Walla Walla 	FMN 	Federal 
171.50000 	168.75000  	 	M	CSQ	USFS Wenache	Region 6 Wenachee NF 	FMN 	Federal 
173.05000 	168.75000  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS Badger	Region 6 Wenachee NF 	FMN 	Federal 
171.50000 	166.30000  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS Wenache	Region 6 Wenachee NF Ch 1 	FMN 	Federal 
172.25000 	166.80000  	 	M	146.2 PL	USFS Wenache	Region 6 Wenachee NF Ch 2 	FMN 	Federal 
168.20000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS Tac 3	Tactical 	FMN 	Federal 
168.67500 	   	 	M		USFS Wenache	Wenachee Project 	FMN 	Federal


Jul 8, 2002
True, but Gifford is not UHF (links only) and Gifford is labeled as Region not the forest.
171.4250 , 172.2250 and 172.3250 are the Gifford-Pinchot Repeaters

Haven't seen a recent/good channel plan to even get this Forest into the Wiki :mad:

If you follow the logical sequence, you can locate it with a few clicks:

1. Washington 2. US Government agency page 3.Department of Agriculture category 4. US Forest Service subcategory 5. alphabetically listed

US Government

Input Frequencies:         Updated in the last 7 days            Updated in the last 24 hrs

Department of Agriculture
US Forest Service

Frequency 	Input     	License 	Type 	Tone 	Alpha Tag 	Description 	Mode 	Tag 
168.62500 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS AirGard	Air Guard 	FMN 	Federal 
168.31250 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G A	Air to Ground A 	FMN 	Federal 
167.30000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G B	Air to Ground B 	FMN 	Federal 
167.62500 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G C	Air to Ground C 	FMN 	Federal 
167.37500 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G D	Air to Ground D 	FMN 	Federal 
167.45000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G E	Air to Ground E Wenachee 	FMN 	Federal 
167.55000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G F	Air to Ground F 	FMN 	Federal 
168.28750 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G G	Air to Ground G 	FMN 	Federal 
167.47500 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G H	Air to Ground H R6 Common 	FMN 	Federal 
169.15000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS A2G O	Air to Ground O 	FMN 	Federal 
171.10000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS Ch/Doug	Chelan/Douglas Counties 	FMN 	Federal 
[COLOR="Red"]406.42500 	   	 	F	555 NAC	GPNF Link	Gifford-Pichot National Forest - Link 	P25 	Federal [/COLOR]
168.55000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS ICP	Incident Command Post 	FMN 	Federal 
168.02500 	   	 	M		USFS LE Com	Law Enforcement Common 	FMN 	Federal 
170.12500 	   	 	M	146.2 PL	USFS WA Proj	Project Fires WA 	FMN 	Federal 
171.47500 	164.62500  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS CalsplE	Region 6 Calispell East 	FMN 	Federal 
171.42500 	164.62500  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS R6 Cntr	Region 6 Central Stevens/Ferry 	FMN 	Federal 
170.55000 	169.57500  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS R6 East	Region 6 East Ferry/Stevens 	FMN 	Federal 
171.55000 	169.57500  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS FerryCo	Region 6 Jacknife - Ferry 	FMN 	Federal 
169.60000 	   	 	M		USFS R6 Law	Region 6 LE Tac 	FMN 	Federal 
169.87500 	172.35000  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS Methow	Region 6 Methow Valley  	FMN 	Federal 
164.82500 	169.00000  	 	RM	CSQ	USFS Pomeroy	Region 6 Pomeroy 	FMN 	Federal 
164.96250 	   	 	M	146.2 PL	USFS R6 Prog	Region 6 Project Umatilla NF 	FMN 	Federal 
170.47500 	166.85000  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS Tonaskt	Region 6 Tonasket Area 	FMN 	Federal 
171.78750 	163.37500  	 	RM	CSQ	USFS Walla	Region 6 Walla Walla 	FMN 	Federal 
171.50000 	168.75000  	 	M	CSQ	USFS Wenache	Region 6 Wenachee NF 	FMN 	Federal 
173.05000 	168.75000  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS Badger	Region 6 Wenachee NF 	FMN 	Federal 
171.50000 	166.30000  	 	RM	146.2 PL	USFS Wenache	Region 6 Wenachee NF Ch 1 	FMN 	Federal 
172.25000 	166.80000  	 	M	146.2 PL	USFS Wenache	Region 6 Wenachee NF Ch 2 	FMN 	Federal 
168.20000 	   	 	M	CSQ	USFS Tac 3	Tactical 	FMN 	Federal 
168.67500 	   	 	M		USFS Wenache	Wenachee Project 	FMN 	Federal


Mar 12, 2004
Yes, I found that, but it is just a P25 link, not the Gifford Pinchot NF freqs.


Feb 8, 2012
It is very difficult to find the freqs. for the national forests, and impossible to find the freqs. for the Gifford Pinchot NF in Washington.

If you haven't already tried these, a Google search for "Gifford Pinchot frequencies", (without quotes) lists the following top three listings:

Each link has some frequencies that you might wish to explore.

Hope this helps,
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Feb 24, 2001
I didn't know how bad the USFS database for Washington was until I looked it up as a result of this thread. I have confirmed information that is newer than that in the links QDP2012 provided. I will put on my "eventually I hope to complete" list to make some extensive database submissions that should make things more understandable. Whoever put that database page together has only a minimal or less amount of knowledge of the Forest Service and could use some help.

I'm a bit reluctant to spend the time with the submissions as I have done so for the NPS/BLM/USFS in states outside my own in the past and have had my input disregarded. I worked an entire career for two of those agencies and closely with the other so I have something to share, but not all database administrators see it that way.


Feb 24, 2001
Here is what I have for the Gifford Pinchot National Forest:

Gifford Pinchot National Forest

Site Name/Frequency RX/Tone/Frequency TX/Tone/Band/Geographic Location

Burley/171.4250/123.0/170.3500/123.0/FNN/65 mi NE of Vancouver, WA
Southpoint/171.4250/123.0/170.3500/88.5/FMN/5 mi SSE of Packwood, WA
Mitchell/172.2250/123.0/168.7750/167.9/FMN/30 mi NE of Vancouver, WA
Coldwater/172.2250/123.0/168.7750/136.5/FMN/6 mi N of Mt. St. Helens
Davis Peak/172.2250/123.0/168.7750/127.3/FMN/23 mi NNE of Vancouver, Wa
Point 3670/172.2250/123.0/168.7750/100.0/FMN/13 mi SE of Mt. St. Helens
Defiance-GPF/172.3250/123.0/168.4750/192.8/FMN/40 mi E of Vancouver, Wa
Flat Top/172.3250/123.0/168.4750/127.3/FMN/12 mi SW of Mt. Adams
Lookout/172.3250/123.0/168.4750/100.0/FMN/26 mi SW of Mt. Adams

Aviation Frequencies

Channel/Frequency RX/Tone/Frequency TX/Tone/Band/Geographic Location

Air to Air WA01/132.1250/none/132.1250/none/AM/A-A North of Columbia River Primary
Air to Air WA01/133.1750/none/133.1750/none/AM/A-A North of Columbia River Second
Air to Air WA01/134.6250/none/134.6250/none/AM/A-A North of Columbia River Tertiary
Air/Ground 41/167.4750/none/167.4750/none/FMN/WA01 Primary
Air/Ground 28/170.0000/none/170.0000/none/FMN/WA01 Secondary


The comm center also dispatches for the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Area and the Mt. Hood National Forest.

This thread belongs in the Washington forums.
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Feb 24, 2001
The air to ground frequencies shown in the database as of today are more than 4 years old and many changes have occurred since. The database submissions will be very time consuming as the entire DB page needs replacement with something that will be several times as large as the existing page.


Feb 8, 2012
I'm a bit reluctant to spend the time with the submissions as I have done so for the NPS/BLM/USFS in states outside my own in the past and have had my input disregarded. I worked an entire career for two of those agencies and closely with the other so I have something to share, but not all database administrators see it that way.

Maybe the Wiki would be the place to start building the updated lists. When complete, you can make a DB-submission that asks the DBA to simply copy-paste the information from the Wiki into the DB. If the DBA is hesitant to take the information as submitted, then at least it will be in the Wiki.

The air to ground frequencies shown in the database as of today are more than 4 years old and many changes have occurred since. The database submissions will be very time consuming as the entire DB page needs replacement with something that will be several times as large as the existing page.

If any of us can help you get the data into the Wiki for your review before officially submitting it to the DB, please let us know.

Thanks for your previous submissions to both the DB and Wiki.
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Was: joking
Jul 19, 2001
For what its worth


  • CCCC guide and repeater map.pdf
    441.9 KB · Views: 297


Feb 24, 2001
For what its worth

I just found the same link last night, but there is no date on it. The best I could determine was it was last modified in 1999. My information is from 2014, the most recent I'm able to locate.


Jul 8, 2002
Wiki Created - updates/corrections appreciated

Maybe the Wiki would be the place to start building the updated lists. When complete, you can make a DB-submission that asks the DBA to simply copy-paste the information from the Wiki into the DB. If the DBA is hesitant to take the information as submitted, then at least it will be in the Wiki.

If any of us can help you get the data into the Wiki for your review before officially submitting it to the DB, please let us know.

Thanks for your previous submissions to both the DB and Wiki.


Mar 10, 2010
Los Angeles County, CA
And the "CCCC Guide and Repeater Map" above also has an incorrect Flight Follow frequency which is consistent throughout the document. Perhaps someone can say if that's an old FF frequency. A dubious document.



Dec 19, 2002
No. AZ
More than likely the person making the document made a mistake and "cut and pasted" the error through the document without knowing it.

Here are the missing Air to Ground freq.s.
167.6250 none N A/G Charlie
167.3000 none N A/G Bravo
168.3125 none N A/G Alpha
167.4750 none N A/G Hotel


Feb 24, 2001
More than likely the person making the document made a mistake and "cut and pasted" the error through the document without knowing it.

Here are the missing Air to Ground freq.s.
167.6250 none N A/G Charlie
167.3000 none N A/G Bravo
168.3125 none N A/G Alpha
167.4750 none N A/G Hotel

Any document that shows Region 6 (Oregon and Washington) frequencies with the letter designators is outdated. Beginning in 2012 or 2013 national nomenclature became mandatory. In R6 this did not mean the frequencies remained the same and just the designators changed. Most of the frequencies themselves changed when the national listing came out. Some changes occur each year as interference problems and such are identified and frequencies are changed to address the problems.

Regional differences in nomenclature were causing confusion as all aviation resources (tankers, air attack, lead planes, helos) are national resources and are sometimes out of region as much as they are in region. Federally contracted tankers and helitankers don't stay in one location for the entire season, they move around based on a schedule that follows the peak fire season in various portions of the country. Typically, early March finds some aircraft in the southern U.S., move on to the southwest (Region 3) in May and June, then north into the Great Basin (R4), etc.

Whatever the case having differences in frequency designators was causing much confusion and that is one of the largest reasons the Incident Command System was developed.


Mar 12, 2004
... Most of the frequencies themselves changed when the national listing came out.

Since you are more knowledgable than anyone else here, where can we find a good, comprehensive list of those new freqs. ?


Dec 19, 2002
No. AZ
My post was just to fill in the missing info from that document.
More current info is Copied from the following document, 2015 Nat. Interagency AFG

Columbia Cascade Interagency Dispatch Center​

Description Mobile RX Mobile TX Tone Lat/Long
Flight Following
(WA-GPF/OR-MHF East) 168.6500 168.6500 TX 110.9
N45.6438/W122.7222 (Mt Defiance)

Air Guard 168.6250 168.6250 TX 110.9
N45.6438/W122.7222 (Mt Defiance)

WA-GPF West Side 172.2250 168.7750 RX 123.0 TX 167.9
N46.0314/W122.1917 (Mitchell Repeater)

WA-GPF East Side 172.3250 168.4750 RX 123.0 TX 192.8
N45.6438/W122.7222 (Mt Defiance Repeater)

This plus what Exsmokey posted should be enough to get someone started. As always, these should be verified by listeners in the area. LOL, I don't know where GPF is located in the state of Washington. I also don't have a map handy to look it up right now. Otherwise I would check the A/G and A/A freq. map. Yes, I am to lazy to use the internet right now since I am already multi-tasking. :)
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Mar 12, 2004
My post was just to fill in the missing info from that document.
More current info is Copied from the following document, 2015 Nat. Interagency AFG

My question was posed to exsmokey.
I am interested in the National Forest GROUND freqs., not air.
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