Georgia State Patrol on I-95...

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Sarcastic Member
Nov 23, 2004
AES-256 secured
On my recent trip through Georgia on I-95, I was receiving Post 42 (Rincon) and Post 11 (Hinesville) on the SEGGARN P25 trunked system. However, Post 23 (Brunswick) which says cover Glynn and Camden counties was only being heard on the Glynn County TRS and I didn't hear any activity related to I-95, only Jekyll Island. I did hear stops on Hinesville channel in Camden as well as them responding to a motorcyclist down in the area of Kingsland. Does Hinesville cover all of I-95 south ?

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Jul 14, 2008
Brunswick post dispatches for all the coastal counties along the I-95 corridor (Camden to Chatham) through the SEGARRN and Glynn County TRS primarily, although they have access to the VHF frequencies as well and occasionally use them also.

The troopers who work out of the Brunswick and Jekyll posts have their own TGs on the Glynn County TRS, this is the main radio system they use, although they have access to the Hinesville and Rincon post TGs as well on the SEGARRN, in addition to the VHF band.

Bottom line, next time you travel through the area here is what you need to monitor for GSP if that is all your interest ed in, and mainly pay attention to the TRS's but scan the others as well. Also monitor the local law enforcement frequencies, both county and city agencies, as they have access to those as well and often pop up without warning on them from time to time:

Glynn County TRS:

TG 5904 - GSP Brunswick
TG 5968 - GSP Jekyll
TG 5936 - GSP Car-Car


TG 12877- GSP Hinesville
TG 1101 - GSP Rincon


154.680 GSP Base-Car
154.800 GSP Car-Base
160.035 DNR Repeater (P25) NAC 167 (Troopers use this alot when they are out of range of TRS, particularly in southern Camden County)
765.4375 GSP Extender/Mobile Repeater 1, PL156.7
773.0375 GSP Extender/Mobile Repeater 2, PL156.7 (Main one in use on most of the cars in the area)


Jul 14, 2008
No problem!.. yes it was quite a surprise for me also when I first heard GSP traffic on the DNR Repeater , but I guess it makes since when GSP dispatches for DNR also. I hope this definitely helps you on your travels, to and throughout our region.


Aug 16, 2008
In the land of make believe
Brunswick post dispatches for all the coastal counties along the I-95 corridor (Camden to Chatham) through the SEGARRN and Glynn County TRS primarily, although they have access to the VHF frequencies as well and occasionally use them also.

The troopers who work out of the Brunswick and Jekyll posts have their own TGs on the Glynn County TRS, this is the main radio system they use, although they have access to the Hinesville and Rincon post TGs as well on the SEGARRN, in addition to the VHF band.

Bottom line, next time you travel through the area here is what you need to monitor for GSP if that is all your interest ed in, and mainly pay attention to the TRS's but scan the others as well. Also monitor the local law enforcement frequencies, both county and city agencies, as they have access to those as well and often pop up without warning on them from time to time:

Glynn County TRS:

TG 5904 - GSP Brunswick
TG 5968 - GSP Jekyll
TG 5936 - GSP Car-Car


TG 12877- GSP Hinesville
TG 1101 - GSP Rincon


154.680 GSP Base-Car
154.800 GSP Car-Base
160.035 DNR Repeater (P25) NAC 167 (Troopers use this alot when they are out of range of TRS, particularly in southern Camden County)
765.4375 GSP Extender/Mobile Repeater 1, PL156.7
773.0375 GSP Extender/Mobile Repeater 2, PL156.7 (Main one in use on most of the cars in the area)

Last time we drove through McIntosh Co. the SO which seems to always have 3 cars out on I-95 was running on their VHF channels
Kingsland GA PD hangs out on I-95 daily on their respective channel

Must be for our safety that they dont patrol their taxpayers areas and patrol I-95


Nov 21, 2010
Faribault County, MN
"Must be for our safety that they dont patrol their taxpayers areas and patrol I-95"

Well it is easier and friendlier to get *out-of-staters* to ticket and fine. My county sheriff used to have his deputies patrol I-90 (in MN). Finally we elected a sheriff who realized someone needed to keep the "locals" in check too.

Only reason for a county deputy on an Interstate is for going from pt A to pt B.
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