PCR 1500 USB Audio

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Mar 22, 2014
East Coast Puerto Rico
I've had the radio for a number of yrs. I just purchased a refurb Dell WinXP 64 computer.
Stored music plays through the computer speakers as do computer sounds. Even the "confirmation" sounds created by the keyboard are heard. However I cannot get receive audio into the computer. I've contacted Dell tech support and they are at a loss.
I've tried all 8 USB ports with no luck, any help will be appreciated


Premium Subscriber
Feb 20, 2011
When the radio is connected to the computer and powered on do you any unknown hardware under the hardware manager ?


Mar 22, 2014
East Coast Puerto Rico
Thank you, I think so. On the lower right task bar, I get "new hardware found" it goes through a number of steps and then your "hardware is ready to use". On Device Manager under Other Devices I have
"CP2101 USB to UART Bridge Controller". This disappears when I turn off the Receiver.
If I may, I would like to give an update.
The Icom software says "it doesn't work on XP64.....guess what I have?
I had an old XP 32 and loaded it, (that was a job). It runs fine, but the radio does not work at all. In fact the above reply is based on the XP32 software. When I try and turn on the PCR software pwr button I get a "Com Port Error" then "Communication failed cannot connect to receiver." When I go to Port Setting on the Icom start up there is nothing there in any of the drop down menus.
It seems as if my Icom software v 1.01 did not load the drivers.
In addition on the Microsoft side I have the following issue(s)
My USB and Human drivers are up to date via Driver Easy, however there is one catch on the 64 side I have Under System Devices I have three 82801G labeled 27D0, 27D2, and 27DA
On the 32 side in the same area I only have two 27D0 and 27D2, However another device an N10/ICH7 Family Bus Controller appears with the suffix 27DA. There is no driver available for this device. I have contacted a Win 32 XP forum asking for help, no one has responded. Several other people have asked about this same device.
For what it's worth the computer is a Dell Optiplx G520 recently refurbed.
Needless to say Dell is less than enthusiastic, as is Microsoft. Icom at least was sympathetic.
What do you think of removing the XP32 and adding Win 7 Home 32?
I'm beginning to think of applying a philosophy of a USMC buddy of years back. "There are few situations that cannot be solved with an sufficient application of high explosive".
Thanks for listening. This is brought to you via XP 32


Premium Subscriber
Feb 20, 2011
I got my 2500 running on a bunch of os and xp was certainly no issue therefore moving to 7 right now is premature IMO.

The pcr is divided in 2 sections
1 control port A.K.A serial connector, this were the computer is passing it control to the pcr.
2 the USB audio card, this where the pcr send the audio to your computer.

You mentioned software 1.01 I recommend you try with the latest version, you can download it here:
Firmware Updates / Software Downloads | Support | Icom Inc


Mar 22, 2014
East Coast Puerto Rico
As Jack Nicholson said in Shining I'm baaaaaack.

Well after several computer crashes. Some health and car issues. I started messing with it again yesterday. The first thing I tried was to play music from an external HD, with no luck from any of the 6 USB ports. I'm also an amatuer, with subscription to QEX the experimenters magazine. It is far above my level, but a recent article described software changes to the audio drivers. Sooooooooooooooooo to make a long story longer, I started moving things around and low and behold music came from my external HD! I went back an hour ago and tried the radio...............success.
'm going to play some more and will get back to you,
Thanks again
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