Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.1; en-us; HTC One X Build/JRO03C) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30)
There may be some interesting listening to the Ks statewide system today, Friday, thru Sunday. With NASCAR in town that means a lot of extra KHP troopers from around the state will be in town, and I'd bet that some of them like to listen to the radio traffic from their home area. And if I understand the system correctly, even if they are from Topeka, the radio traffic from the Topeka area will follow the trooper here. Hence the possible good listening this weekend. We may hear traffic from all over the state of KS thanks to the troopers who keep at least one radio on their home channel!
Matt in KCK
There may be some interesting listening to the Ks statewide system today, Friday, thru Sunday. With NASCAR in town that means a lot of extra KHP troopers from around the state will be in town, and I'd bet that some of them like to listen to the radio traffic from their home area. And if I understand the system correctly, even if they are from Topeka, the radio traffic from the Topeka area will follow the trooper here. Hence the possible good listening this weekend. We may hear traffic from all over the state of KS thanks to the troopers who keep at least one radio on their home channel!
Matt in KCK