North Fulton Regional Radio System - What About South County Agencies

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Database Admin
Jan 30, 2001
With the plans for the North Fulton Regional Radio System, just wondering what the plans are for the southern county agencies (Palmetto, Fairburn, etc.)?

Is the plan for them to stay on the old county system, join WARRS, expand Union City's DMR Connect + MotoTrbo system, establish a Southern Fulton Regional Radio System, or something else?

Just curious...


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Fulton county is replacing their legacy Smartnet system with a phase 2 core, the project is well underway and cutover should take place after the first of the year.

The system will have coverage throughout the county, including the north cities areas. Since the NFRRS doesn't even have a site built, the existing north cities will most likely use the new Fulton county digital system in the interim as once the new Fulton system comes online, the current analog system will be sunset.

Please remember there is only ONE Fulton county as far as a government is concerned.

The creation of the NFRRS is the first step for the "succession" of the north county cities from Fulton county.

As far as Union city, their choice to use MotoTRBO won't impact any of the other south county cities, most of them (East Point, College Park, and Hapeville) are on the city of Atlanta DTRS. I have not heard if those cities will choose to remain there or move to the new county system.

Other south county cities like Chatt Hills and RMA will be on the new county system, here is RMA's MOU signed just last week to that effect: Fairburn and Palmetto will move over to the new county DTRS once it goes online as well.
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Database Admin
Dec 18, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta's P25 DTRS went live in 2009.

Fulton county is a separate entity, always has been, always will be- except for the consolidated EMA and library system.

Does the Fulton County system cover the North Fulton cities better than it covers the City of Atlanta? I am just trying to better understand why the North Fulton cities operating their own radio system constitutes "succeeding" from Fulton County, but the Central Fulton city (aka Atlanta) and most of the South Fulton cities building their own radio system is ok?

Perhaps the Fulton County system doesn't cover Atlanta and those South Fulton cities as well as the Fulton County system covers the North Fulton cities? Or it's a system capacity issue? Or is there some other technical or infrastructure reason for the distinction? Or maybe that's not the issue at all, and you think Atlanta and the South Fulton cities operating a radio system independent from Fulton County is just as bad as what the North County cities are doing?

Trust me - I'm really not trying to be argumentative here. I generally agree with you that cities should not waste our tax money on duplicative infrastructure where it isn't necessary, and counties shouldn't make needless upgrades (e.g. Cobb). So I'm just curious if there's a technology or other reason for the distinction between what Atlanta/South Fulton cities did vs. what the North Fulton cities are doing.

Thanks in advance for any insights...



EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
The MOU is stating that their system is DIGITAL? I'm hoping I didn't misunderstand that. R/MA is already good to go, all the portables are APX.


Database Admin
Dec 18, 2002
Atlanta, GA
The MOU is stating that their system is DIGITAL? I'm hoping I didn't misunderstand that. R/MA is already good to go, all the portables are APX.

Yes, the new Fulton County system (which is what this MOU relates to) will be digital. What's to misunderstand?


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Does the Fulton County system cover the North Fulton cities better than it covers the City of Atlanta?

the current system covers the entire county, for mobile coverage. Keep in mind, that Fulton county installed the current Smartnet system in 1990, well before the city of Atlanta, Cobb and many others were even on 800MHz.

the new Fulton system will have additional sites for downtown coverage. I have posted the full RFP for it previously on this site.

I am just trying to better understand why the North Fulton cities operating their own radio system constitutes "succeeding" from Fulton County, but the Central Fulton city (aka Atlanta) and most of the South Fulton cities building their own radio system is ok?

The current Fulton county system predates the city of Atlanta moving to 800MHz, which did not occur until 1995. Additionally, the Fulton county system was (and still is) only 12 channels, not enough to support all of the talkgroups needed by the city of Atlanta and the south county cities.

The city of Atlanta procured their own analog Smartnet (and later Astro 25 digital) systems because of the capacity and coverage issues with the county system.

Or maybe that's not the issue at all, and you think Atlanta and the South Fulton cities operating a radio system independent from Fulton County is just as bad as what the North County cities are doing?

It sure would have made sense, but with the county budget and city budget being separate, I get why it did not happen, and without a unified public safety force (e.g. an "Atlanta-Fulton county police" and "Atlanta-Fulton county 911") it won't for the near future. Who knows, that may change. With Fulton county being dwindled to nothing, they may have no choice. At that juncture, it would make sense to merge the two departments, two 911 centers, and thus radio systems. With Fulton county moving to an Astro 25 core, it would be fairly easy to integrate the two systems from a technology standpoint.

Ironic too, as the Fulton county police department initially started that way..until the county formed it's own police department in 1975, prior to that, the county contracted with the city of Atlanta for police services:

Fulton County Police History

Trust me - I'm really not trying to be argumentative here. I generally agree with you that cities should not waste our tax money on duplicative infrastructure where it isn't necessary, and counties shouldn't make needless upgrades (e.g. Cobb). So I'm just curious if there's a technology or other reason for the distinction between what Atlanta/South Fulton cities did vs. what the North Fulton cities are doing.

I hear ya. The Fulton-Atlanta situation is a little different, mainly because there (at the time the systems were procured) some technology limitations to work with, and even a worse political divide.

None the less, the new county system will be a huge improvement, I don't think it will be able to support the vast number of users of the city of Atlanta with only 12 RF channels (11 considering one will be the CC) or 22 talk paths (TDMA), but the current North county cities are getting by just fine capacity wise on the existing Smartnet analog system (coverage and reliability issues aside). So there is no reason not to just stay there.


Database Admin
Dec 18, 2002
Atlanta, GA
I guess I'm clueless since I didn't know Fulton has gone to a DTRS!

Fulton hasn't gone to a DTRS. But they are heading that direction. Before you can go to a DTRS, you need to get signed MOUs with all non-county agencies who will use the future DTRS. That's what Fulton County and R/M have now done.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Staging for the new FCDTRS was this past summer, the equipment is already pretty much in place at existing sites. Go live is sometime after the 1st of the year.

It will be very much like the Cobb cut-over. First three to five channels taken off the analog (192C) and turned up and optimized on the new system. Then fleets moved over one by one. As more talkgroups are de-activated on the old core, the remaining of the 12 channels will be turned up on the new digital system. Once all the users are off 192C, it will be shut off and totally decommissioned.

It will make one of the longest operating Smartnet II networks in the state. IIRC DeKalb county ran 0307 from 1986 until 2007/2008 when they moved to their Astro 25 system.


EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
Fulton hasn't gone to a DTRS. But they are heading that direction. Before you can go to a DTRS, you need to get signed MOUs with all non-county agencies who will use the future DTRS. That's what Fulton County and R/M have now done.

Yeah, charge for DTRS and only get Analog service! Even on our APX's, the signal still sounds like crap!
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