How do I run/remote control 2 instances of Win500 server?

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Mar 7, 2010
San Diego
I have 2 variations of the Win500 Android App, and now need to run 2 instances of Win500 on my PC to control 2 PRO197 scanners. I was previously able to get this working, but only after a lot of trial and error, and never finding a repeatable way to do it. Eventually, it killed any ability to even get one feed working on my Win500 receiver, so I had to do a system restore to fix things.

The problems I faced where 2 identical USB cables on the scanners, and how to properly power up each scanner and each app without getting errors. What is the proper way to do this? I am currently running Windows Pro 7 64bit, but will be installing a Windows 7 Pro 32bit partition specifically for radio control and monitoring.

Eventually, I will add a 536HP with Siren app to my Android when it comes out......sweet to have so much control and monitoring capability in my ear via Bluetooth on my little Droid Mini. :)

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