1. M

    Kenwood TK-2180 and TK-3180 Programming

    I'm a volunteer with the Sky Valley / Scaly Mountain Volunteer Fire & Rescue. Our fire district covers a portion of GA (Sky Valley) and NC (Scaly Mountain). The Rabun county GA fire frequencies are VHF. The Macon county NC fire frequencies are UHF. Thus we end up with two sets of radios for all...
  2. A

    KPG for 2180

    I see that there are multiple software version for the 2180. What is the difference between the KPG-89, KPG-92, and KPG-96 versions? Whats the most appropriate for a plain 2180? Anyone know the most recent firmware?
  3. N2AL

    Software Problems With Tk-3180

    I Am Having A Problem With The Programming Of A Kenwood Tk-3180, I Am Using The Kpg-89d Version Software. I Am Reprogramming The Tk-3189 Radio's For The County Agency I Work For, The Company We Were Using We Chose To Move Away From. Problem Is They Password-protected The Radios, Insuring That...