
  1. S

    CP200 Analog - PL Code Programming Issue

    Hello, I am running into some issues when programming my CP200's. I have 8 frequencies licensed with the FCC and want to take full advantage of the 16 channels on the radios. I have programmed separate CTCSS tones, but I seem to be walking over the channel that has the same frequency (despite...
  2. K

    CP200 Loose Battery Causing Radio to Turn OFf

    Hello all, We have several CP200 VHF radios currently in use at my organization. We are going through and doing inventory of these radios and just about all of them have a loose battery causing the radio to shut off and on. Many of the users have resorted to methods of keeping the battery from...
  3. S

    CP200 can't program UHF frequencies (VHF only)

    Hi, I'm trying to program an old CP200 (Model number H50KDC9AA2AN). When I read the radio into CPS v15.16, it lists the radio's frequency range as 146.0–174.0 MHz only, with no VHF2 or UHF frequency ranges listed. The software won't let me program any UHF frequencies into "channel...
  4. J

    Motorola cp200d Talk Permit Tone Off

    Anyone know if there's a way to turn the Talk Permit Tone off on the CP200D? Google hasn't been much help. Thanks
  5. C

    Need Pelican case recommendations for 12 portables

    I'm seeking recommendations for what size pelican case (on rollers) for 12 Motorola CP150/200 portables and 2 six bank chargers. Purpose is to easily load into the trunk of my car, transport to the soccer field office for use by my field marshals then load out at the end of the day as the...
  6. F

    cp200 firmware

    I have a cp200 that I need to update the firmware. I can program these radios and since I have purchased the software through Motorola I also have access to the firmware. My question is I program with a ribless cable. Can I update the firmware without the rib. I have never done a firmware update...
  7. F

    Precious Metals in battery connectors?

    Hey everyone. Im totally new here and to this radio thing. I have been reading as much as I can on scraping for precious metals in radios, pc's, etc. Then I recently came across several Motorola Radius CP200's, P1225's, and GP300's.. More than I know what to do with... In thinking I was going to...
  8. W

    CP200 Revisions, Codeplug Programming

    Is the revision number R03.xx up to R06.xx found on a sticker behind the battery like a hardware version and the codeplug number found when preforming a read something like a firmware version? What I would like to know is can the revision R# be brought up to the latest and greatest revision and...
  9. F

    Cp200 Radius

    I was about to buy a USB cable to program the cp200 radio and there is also a serial cable for it and wanted to know if cp200 software is RSS (DOS) or CPS(win32, win xp) based, I don't think I will have much luck with USB in a dos programming environment( Without a USB to Serial converter)...
  10. D

    Motorola Raduis CP200

    Does anyone have the frequencies for channels 1 and 2 for the vhf CP200?
  11. FWAPAH

    Radius CP200- Orange or Amber light

    Today at work, my Motorola Radius CP200 slipped out of my hand and landed facedown in a puddle approximately 1/2" deep. I rescued it immediately and it worked fine but about 10 minutes later I noticed an orange light was on. This is present whether the radio is on or off. I replaced the battery...