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Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
In between dealing with a bunch of live audio broadcasters that just cannot seem to grasp the concept of common sense regarding our new terms of service :cool:, I managed to catch a few utility logs today:

8971.0 USB 1513z WAFER 71J clg FIDDLE for HF Radio Check
5696.0 USB 1518z CAMSLANT Chesapeake clg CG-2006 for pos report
8971.0 USB 1520z WAFER 71J clg FIDDLE for HF Radio Check
13312.0 USB 1528z CAMSLANT Chesapeake clg N04 - currently in process of switching HF to CAMSPAC Point Reyes. Inquiring if N04 is OK with the switch.
5696.0 USB 1530z CAMSLANT Chesapeake clg CG-2002 for pos report. 2002 reports flight ops normal.
11232.0 USB 1532z BANDSAW KILO wkg TRENTON Military for pp.
11494.0 USB 1639z CAMSLANT clg N04 Flight Ops Normal - N04 not heard
8912.0 USB 1653x CAMSLANT clog K98 with pos report and ops normal.
11494.0 USB 1703z CAMSLANT clg N04 Flight Ops Normal - N04 ops normal pos 29.38 089.32W
8337.6 USB 2246z ANDVT Comms (USCG)
8971.0 USB 2250z Unid wkg FIDDLE advising safe on deck at Norfolk, will be taking off in the next half hour. Will give another call when airborne.
12222.0 USB 2255 CAMSLANT clg J35 - flight ops normal and pos report
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