It does, at times, especially over water. There are routinely openings in the spring and early summer, between Hawaii and the mainland, and along the gulf and east coasts of the US.
Ocean City operates a 10 Site P25 Phase Two 700/800MHz radio network with Worcester County. Three 700MHz sites operate as a simulcast system within Ocean City and are located at 1st Street, 65th Street & 136th Street. A single, non-simulcast, 800MHz system is located near Ocean Pines, in northern Worcester County. Six additional 800MHz sites operate as a simulcast system in Worcester County and are located near West Ocean Cty, Berlin, Newark, Klej Grange, Nassawango and Pocomoke.
Ok I'm more confused than ever. You folks SAY 158.8950 is the main paging frequency J GET, I have it on my scanner, DONE! I have NEVER heard 158.8950 EVER! W#hy I am getting pages on 154.0850 and NOT 158.8950. Did they switch frequencies? Are they multicasting? Are they transmmitting from different locations? Gremlins invaded the county radio room? Please break it down for me because right now I'm ready to submit to the database 154.0850 is their main dispatch frequency and let the chips fall
You need to read the prior post. The post by @217 gives you the information straight from the originating agency's web site.
Without definitive & conclusive information supporting your claim, your threat to submit information YOU BELIEVE is correct only decreases the signal to noise ratio the DB admins have to deal with on a daily basis, and will not help anyone in the long run.
It wasn't a THREAT and no 217 mentioned the 700MHz I GET ITI! They use it fine OK good for them I basically want someone to walk me through why 154.0850 isn't the main paging frrequency AND 158.8950 is the main frequency? Are some departments paged on 158.8950 and others paged on 154.0850?? I still haveen't ,sorted this out
You need to read the prior post. The post by @217 gives you the information straight from the originating agency's web site.
Without definitive & conclusive information supporting your claim, your threat to submit information YOU BELIEVE is correct only decreases the signal to noise ratio the DB admins have to deal with on a daily basis, and will not help anyone in the long run.
As they put that information out on their website (which @217 was nice enough to screengrab FOR YOU), you could probably send them a polite email asking which frequency they use for which agency so as to alleviate YOUR confusion.