Here's the info on Luis International, which includes mention of 284.6 as 'San Juan Clearance Delivery'.
N18°26.37' W66°00.11' 9 UTC-4 A-3G
(B) RWY-08 L2,5,15,43 (10002x200 ASP PCN 61 F/B/X/T) L5,9,43 RWY-26
RWY-10 L5,14,43 (8016x150 CON PCN 61 R/B/W/T) L5,46 RWY-28
SERVICE - AOE LGT - ALS Rwy 08 O/S indef. Twy lgts H1 thru H4 O/S indef. VASI Rwy 8-26
O/S indef. JASU - ANG has two A/M32A-95 air conditioning units. FOR FLEET SERVICE
CALL IVY PORT (787)791-4848/28 OR PONCE AIRLINE SERVICE (787)253-2555. FUEL - A
(Air BP C787-253-2100, 24 hr svc) (NC-100LL)
REMARKS - RSTD - 48 hr prior req rqr for prk of general aviation and DC3 type acft or
larger, send req to PR Port Authority OPS or call C787-253-0979/C787-791-2908. Twy H
max acft size B747-400, not avbl for large acft taxiing to Rwy 08 when Rwy 10 in use for ldg.
Twy H clsd btwn H7 and H9 due to WIP. Twy H clsd from H5 to H7 til 5 Nov 2006. Twy H
from H2 to H5 restricted to group 3 acft use only. Twy C max acft size B747-400, avbl for
N-S movements when Rwy 10 in use for ldg. Holding Area max acft size B-767, no
movement permitted when other acft are using Twy S or Twy D, acft on Twy S and Twy D
must be fixed objects when acft taxiing on holding area, taxilane separation criteria
applies. Twy B (East Bridge) max acft size B747-400, avbl for N-S movements, not oper
when Rwy 08 in use for ldg. Twy A (West Bridge) max acft size B747-400, avbl only for S-N
movements, not oper when Rwy 10 in use for ldg. Twy E max acft size B747-400, avbl for
S-N movements when Rwy 10 in use for ldg. 6 cranes Terminal A vcnty apron 4.
CSTMS/IMG - Avbl 1130-0400Z dly. MISC - Rwy 10-28 clsd indefly. ANG - Opr
1130-2030Z Mon-Fri. Prk on PRANG ramp PPR DSN 740-9629, C787-253-7629. Mil
transportation and billeting not avbl. All tran acft ctc COMD POST 20 min prior to ldg and
prior to eng start.
COMMUNICATIONS - UNICOM - 123.0 ATIS - 125.8 SAN JUAN RDO - (E) 122.2 123.65
126.7 255.4 SAN JUAN APP - (R) (E) 119.4 269.2 120.9 290.2 (119.4 269.2 W and SW
Sctr) (120.0 290.2 N and E Sctr) REMARKS: (APP DEP svc). SAN JUAN TWR - (E) 132.05
257.8 GND - (E) 121.9 348.6 SAN JUAN CLNC DEL - (E) 126.4 284.6
PRANG COMD POST - (CALL YAUCO OPS) 139.9 142.9 233.4 251.9
CORONET OAK OPS - (CALL OAK OPS) Phone Patch Capable. 252.8
This is from the DOD Flight Information Carribean and South American Enroute Suppliment
You can download the 8.8 Mb pdf file here:
DOD flight publications
They intend to cease providing these by internet (thank 9/11) but haven't gotten around to removing it, YET. You can also downloada the complete US IFR Suppliments, and many other informative flight publications here.