In NYC, EMS set up two talk groups specifically for the out-of-town ambulances (250+) and dispatched them to local "routine" jobs. Within days of setting it up, they discontinued using them. The workload was no longer there.
Reports are that the USNS Comfort is empty, or with only single-digit number of patients (none of them virus patients), as is the Javits Center. A drive past both, one never seems to see any ambulances arriving, leaving, or even just parked (You DO see an overabundance of non-medical vehicles, like the "State Fire Marshal" [about eight], FEMA, NYC OEM, a lot of police cars [state and city], but not too many medical vehicles of any type). You do see a lot of military personnel hanging around outside Javits.
Cuomo today said that ICU admittance way down ("negative numbers"?), and hospital discharges are up. He now says he has more than enough ventilators, too. Yet he claims that DOA numbers are up, but there are serious questions about whether ALL those DOAs are "virus-related," or just presumed to be, which would skew the total numbers.
The point is, I don't know how much activity...if is going to hear coming out of the Meadowlands related to any type of "emergency" communications traffic, or for how long.