BCD436HP/BCD536HP: 3600XLT DMR trick that shows more info on screen. Or is it a bug?


Jul 19, 2018
The Netherlands
When programming a frequency in a conventional system, it shows the channel name you entered and the frequency in a smaller font underneath it. Next to the frequency it shows the color code in the same small font while receiving a DMR signal.

But when you add a space before the channel name it shows much more information like the talkgroup and user ID, but also Net and Site (supposed for Capacity Plus) on a plain DMR signal. With an analog signal it just shows the channel name.

Is this a bug or a feature? Was this documented or addressed previously?
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Jul 19, 2018
The Netherlands
While doing a Conventional Discovery, the scanner saves the finds in a new favorites list with the frequency as the channel name. 400.00000 MHz will become 400.0000MHz with (you can guess it) a space in front of it, and this way it shows extended DMR information as described above. This was confirmed by going into the edit menu for this channel. However, when I connect the scanner to my computer to read that newly creative favorites list with Sentinel, the channel name is blank. Then I tried to add nameless frequencies to a conventional department: impossible. It throws an error as I already expected. Still strange though it doesn't read the name that's stored in the scanner. With previous Uniden Bearcat scanners I had, it was possible to keep the channel name untouched. After uploading everything to the scanner, the scanner itself autofill the frequency as a name tag. With the BCT15X also with a space in front.


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
It's the same with BCD536 and probably also BCD436 as they share their general operation code. If you have noticed that when entering a frequency Channel+fq+Channel it will display the channel name with a preceding space and also if you quick save a frequency it will have a space before the channel name, as it is how it is presented on the display, and will then show all info. If you edit the channel name to have no space it looses the digital information.

I don't remember if it has been discussed way back in time but anyhow not recently to be included in the to-do list by @JoeBearcat
It was some similar syntax related things to the name for the 10 search lists that if you changed the default names you lost the detailed info, or if the real reason was that the space in front of the search name where removed when edited.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
That's interesting. I'll give it a try on my 536, SDS, and even 325P2.


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
I've checked more now and it has nothing to do with the space character when I test. If I quick save a frequency the default name will have a space and then the frequency as the name. The detailed info now works. If I edit the last character in that name and save then the detail info are replaced by the channel name.

It's a similar issue with the search ranges as if the default name are not edited it will show all details.
It's probably a flag that says that the default name have been changed. As the default name are the frequency it is already presented in another line and are redundant and the line for the channel name can instead show Net, Site, TG and UID.

If you edit the default channel name it needs to present that in the same display area that Net, Site,Tg and UID uses so those can no longer be presented. SDS scanners have a more detailed display that has dedicated fields for Net, Site, TG and UID and doesn't need to compromise and fight over available display space.

A more desirable mode to the 436/536/3600 in their functions that use a default channel name are to still show Net, Site, TG and UID even when the channel name has been edited and only show the new channel name in the TG delay period time, the exact same way that the default channel name are now shown when in the TG delay time period.

Maybe @JoeBearcat can include that in the wish list for these scanners.
