I am a volunteer firefighter and emt. I decided to purchase my own radio. I know my county upgraded its system a few years ago. I believe it still works on analog frequencies, but on each radio it will display the unit radio that is calling on the frequency. I know our com to the county is simulcast on all towers. If anyone can walk me through programming for this system would be greatly appreciated. I'm in sullivan county ny
I would strongly recommend you
DO NOT program the radio by yourself. You are a firefighter and EMT and should know the importance of reliable communications. One mistake could potentially put your life, or that of a fellow fire fighter in jeopardy.
As you stated, each radio on the system has a unique radio ID, those are assigned by the radio shop, not made up by the individual using the radio. Additionally, your comment that you "believe" you are using analog frequencies supports the need for you to contact your radio shop and get their permission (in writing to cover yourself if something goes wrong or change in management), the actual frequencies used by your department, associated PL/TG codes, and an assigned radio ID. You also need to make sure the radio is FCC Certified for use by public safety on the frequencies, not all radios are, even if they are capable of rx/tx on the frequencies.
It's not like you are parking cars and want to talk to others on your own radio, you work in an industry that involves life safety comms.