I was surprised to see only 2 AA batteries power the BCD325P2, thinking the radio is a replacement for the BCD396XT which take 3 AA batteries. But while it’s not quite the same form factor, and regardless of if it’s considered a replacement for the 396 or not, I didn’t think my use of nicads and NMH’s in the 2 cell BCD325P2 would give me the same longevity I remembered the the 3 cell BCD396XT gave me. I knew the Eveready AA DISPOSABLE Lithium batteries would last longer but they aren’t cheap! So when the rechargable Li-ion AA batteries came out I got some. Today, first time using these new EBL 3000mWh 1.5 volt AA cells, I experienced almost 7 hours before the low battery alarm went off. The volume was deliberately set to maximum with the backlight set to squelch. During this time I was also busy programming “Digital Waiting” and since it was in a low ambient light environment, I placed the scanner display to Infinite. I’d say the backlight was continuously on for aprox 1 hour during that programming period. The radio was turned on at 5am on a Saturday and lasted to almost noontime. This time period is not as busy as a regular weekday so I’m adjusting downward the length of time the batteries would last before they needed to be replaced… conservatively I put them at better than 4-5 hours, I’m not recommending these batteries after just one session but I’d say they look promising. The EBL batteries were found on Amazon.