So I’ve looked and looked but can’t figure out what’s going on.
BCD536HP, Sentinel, Proscan. When programming P25 phase 2 trunking frequencies, the 536 sometimes drops the last digit. For instance 769.16875 becomes 769.16870. It seems to take the frequency at first but then when the receive goes bad I read the scanner and the last 5 has been dropped.
I have the band set to 6.25. Proscan never shows the 5 while scanning. All are up to date software.
Any ideas?
BCD536HP, Sentinel, Proscan. When programming P25 phase 2 trunking frequencies, the 536 sometimes drops the last digit. For instance 769.16875 becomes 769.16870. It seems to take the frequency at first but then when the receive goes bad I read the scanner and the last 5 has been dropped.
I have the band set to 6.25. Proscan never shows the 5 while scanning. All are up to date software.
Any ideas?