I looked over the data base and compared it with what I had in my 396 and ARC396 sw and I found a couple of items that are different or changed or omitted
24080 is listed as Neffs Fire. I have it as Bellaire Fire. If it is not than what is Bellaire Fire? Also I have 2 TGs that are not listed. They are 49584 I have as Barkcamp Private and 36544 I have as OSP Post 7 Tac..must be a patch...These were in the data base at one time as I would have copied them from there
24080 is listed as Neffs Fire. I have it as Bellaire Fire. If it is not than what is Bellaire Fire? Also I have 2 TGs that are not listed. They are 49584 I have as Barkcamp Private and 36544 I have as OSP Post 7 Tac..must be a patch...These were in the data base at one time as I would have copied them from there