Additional to the resources sent from the Los Padres to the Sedgewick Fire: the Forest's two northern dozers. First units sent to the Ranch Fire from the Los Padres to the Angeles went out at 0333 today.
Fuel moistures in southern California are a mixed bag, some above average and some below average for this time of year. None at record low levels as they had been earlier this year.
Relative to the Hopper Fire now burning on the Los Padres, after the Vaca Fire this year and the Day Fire last year, is there anything substantial left to burn on the southern portion of the Los Padres?
The headline for the Malibu fires is repeated so very often, "PCH closed and Pepperdine students evacuated from dorms." You could keep this story as a template in a word processor and only have to change the dates and times. I went to some fires in southern California in different years that had the same names and fire camps in the same location as they did in other years. After a few years I began to think I was on a tour of the regional parks of L.A., Orange, Ventura, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties, let's see Casper, Glen Ellen, Castaic, Casitis, . . . . Crap, I'm digressing into old war stories, must sign off!