I have one of the older ones. It is pretty good, very good loopstick so you can turn it and null out stuff. Batteries lasted forever, they were a year past their shelf date when I finally had to replace them. The 1Khz tuning is great if you're DXing wierd stuff like africa/europe. Don't know where you are, you have to be near the coast to do that.
I have had a question for a long time about the external antenna terminals. there are 2 screws marked ANT. I can't figure out if they are a balanced input or one is ground the other hot. If anybody knows that answer let me know. OK, I admit I haven't really spent any time looking either. I'd like to try an external antenna this winter.
Anyway, it is a pretty good radio, resonably portable, sounds good. I'm not sure it is the best ever made, some of the old GE superadios were hot hot hot but didn't have digital readout. I have a Sony 7600 that seems to do almost as good on AM as the CCRadio, not quite as good nulling out with the loopstick but plenty sensitive. Nulling can be very important sometimes.
If you're really serious about AM DXing, the best I've ever heard of is something like the Drake R8 or the AOR 5000+ or even an old surplus R390. Check around for AM DX on Google too. And consider buying or building a loop for it.
Good luck, let me know how it turns out if you want to PM me.
EDIT P.S. Read the thread here about the Eton E1, some good links on loops and other MW resources.