We have a CDM1250 hooked up to a power supply in the station. When we transmit we get a double beep and some transmissions go thru and others do not. Could there be a qiuck fix for this or is a bigger problem that a tech needs to bench it?
Is your CDM1250 a 25 watt model or 45-50 watt model? Frequency range? If you don't know, please post the model number - should start AAM25 - it will be on the bottom of the radio.
Also, are you using a Motorola power supply or after market? If Motorola, let us know the model number of the supply, please. Should be 3 letters, 4 numbers, and at least one letter on the end. If after market, let us know the amperage capacity.
It might also be helpful to know if you have just an AC to 12vdc power supply, or if the supply involves batteries and possibly a UPS.
The CDM family of radios is pretty robust so in cases like yours, it is normal to check outside the radio first.