Maury Rural Fire is looking at a new system. I am not sure which route they are going but at one time a vendor was pushing a Moto TRBO system. Columbia Fire, Police and Public Works are looking into a 800mhz P25 but it is not out for bid yet. The Sheriff's Office is also looking at a Moto TRBO. The issue according to TEMA who helped get the grant is that all systems must be p25 in order to use grant money. Maury Rural has purposed a DTMF switch that will allow the TRBO to communicate with TEMA and other agencies. The issue is a single point of failure which means if the switch goes out no interop. We should know something about Maury Rural in a couple of weeks. If they go TRBO so will the S.O. The city seems to be the only one who has made it clear NO TRBO! I will post more info as it comes.