Coming soon,

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Premium Subscriber
Aug 8, 2009
I should have clarified it then, to be able to use and download form the database to program scanners.

What will the subscription to get us?


Jul 8, 2012
Wow, this looks really cool! Looking forward to it!

I wish it was going to be something more like what RangeCast does. Clean and simple and can see the output of the channel vs just the feed itself, but those are just cosmetic details I like.
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Jun 21, 2005
North Muskegon, MI
A bittersweet day.

I think the concept of having a separate entity for the live feeds is great news. I really am interested to find out more about the alerting features, and mobile apps.Will the premium subscription be needed to set up alerts? use the mobile app? what benefits do you get with a subscription? what features are available for free?

My biggest concern as evidenced through this forum are how many feeds will we lose over the loss of RR Premium. I can see not giving premium to NEW providers but think any current providers should get grandfathered into Premium RR account as long as the feeds they provide remain active.

My second concern.... $84 a year is VERY expensive for premium. It will be hard to justify that expense just to get alerts, and archive access.

The next month will be very interesting to see if this will grow or kill live scanner streams.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I think what annoys people the most is that the database and the audio feeds were built and provided by members for free.. often at a loss.. only to be sold and profited. Has anyone noticed that people dont bother submitting too much information anymore? What is the benefit to me if I find a new frequency or system, submit it and then have to pay to download it to my scanner? Eventually the free content will run dry.

If a feed provider built a feed streaming system to stream to RR and did it at a loss, that was poor decisionmaking on the feed provider's part. I am quite certain that nobody at RR every asked anyone to provide a feed at the expense of food on the table or not being able to pay the electric bill. That's just downright silly.

The content is free and always has been free. What you pay for as a premium feature is the content delivery. I can program all of my scanners manually, and I do. And I could do that all day long using the data on RR without ever paying a dime.



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 1, 2004
Will these changes effect PSR800 and HP1 users?


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 18, 2001
I for one am against this and posted in my state forums why for those whom listened during the big Colorado fires you will have one less feed to rely upon


Premium Subscriber
Oct 30, 2009

Does this mean you'll be able to broadcast Oakland County feeds? **big sigh**


Jan 24, 2008
Montesano, Wa
Lindsay, I can see where you are coming from on this. People sometimes dont understand how much time and a job this becomes and there is a time to pass the torch on to something that can make it bigger and better and not take away from your saneness. Sadly I can see this hurting people for a bit, considering when I am out at the fire station people say hey lets listen to the feed on RR to see what the police are chasing down. So the name branding is pretty important. The new name just doesnt stick it - it might down the road, but I cant see hey find it on - people are not going to be able to say ok what was that broadcast a fly? I fly I flie? just saying, that might be the biggest downfall and then the feeling of ok ... whos profiting from us now. That always hurts people.

Guess we will see how things will go, and what changes are in store. May have a few new sites pop up here and there who knows. GL with RR in the future bud.


Sep 30, 2006
Davenport,Fl.- home to me and the gators and the s
I'm not a feed provider, nor in tend to.

But mho, feed provider should be as they are now. It's their equipment, softwear, etc. they paid for to stream on RR for others to benifit from. It looks a little lopsided folks. Just my 2 cents worth and for those who wish to bash me and others for our thoughts, so be it.


Feb 24, 2001
Broadcastify Birth Pangs and Consderations

[FONT=&quot] I am very sure that Lindsay and his corporate staff considered and discussed most of these matters. As with any “new” business adventure, expansion and their spin off i.e. Broadcastify one will often encounter birth pangs, labor and growth pains. This new adventure will encounter a willowing effect i.e., losing some members for whatever reasons. It is hoped and planned the “new” users this adventure will attract will far exceed any of those who were lost during the transition.
The financial aspect, yes they have to make a living too, supporting the families as well as using some profit to reinvest into the company and new spinoff infrastructure to support, maintain, add and expand the system as well.
As to the “freebees” offered, Feed for Premium membership and their variants are indeed useful initially. However there is the trend of “some” users to “abuse” or better stated “take for granted” and thereby “loose respect” for the “free” service or option provided.
As an example, many years ago out of my own pocket rented a tone panel (provided by a local radio shop) on a community GMRS repeater for our new a growing REACT type radio club. I was interested in generating activity amongst the members, so the members were not charged. Being a member in good standing was all that counted initially. It worked, members used the repeater and we had a lot of activity. Then a few members took for granted the service and began to abuse the system. I then began to charge a minimum $2 a month per user to supplement the cost of the repeater. Yes, we lost a few members in the club, but those who remained were more respectful for the service being provided. The club itself was better for we had better and more mature and respectful people using the repeater. Pruning is generally helpful in the long run.
As for myself and as long as the membership prices are not excessive, I’ll give up that once a week cup of coffee, tea or soda at the local Dunkin Doughnuts or hang out for a decent and well respected broadcast service.
I am pretty sure that Lindsay and his staff are reading all these posts and taking notes and as this “Broadcastify” is rolled out there will be minor (and if necessary major) adjustments to the service. There is always room to grow and improve. As with any new service i.e. Broadcastify Version 1.00 “Give it a chance!”
As stated before, I am in a jumping in the pool:D![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Thanks for reading.

Ken N / Jersey_Ken


Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2009
You don't need to pay that, the feeds are free.

I understand that, but I pay for premium access here for the database info and for the archive access. I won't pay $115 a year for all of it. I'll be curious to see what other people will do when this comes on line.


Jul 15, 2007
yes you will need to pay for a premium subscription now even if you provide a feed.

At least one less feed and an average 100 daily listeners will be dropping off, and I'll get an extra scanner and computer back as a result. Recording my own scanner and having my own archives and not being limited to not having "tactical" LE channels is a piece of cake and essentially free after a portion of hard drive space (which is cheap real estate these days) is set aside for it.

The value in making the effort to share the feed, was the trade off in having the database access direct through the programming software. And who has extra scanners to provide all those feeds? Well I suspect by and large scanner enthusiasts that use the scanners and the DB information regularly, I highly doubt I'm alone in that regard. But now we're told pay for that access and run personal expenditure to provide the feed.

In the name of what? DB improvements, because out of the hundreds of thousands of users on RR, with a deep base of volunteer staff already can't find anyone else with a knowledge base to help out, so we need to sell off the feeds and refocus.

Sorry I don't buy it, this seems like it is solely about $25,000 every 90 days to the forum owners. If that's what it is, then fine. Regardless the value has been taken away from the service I provide I suspect we'll see the new service drop back down to that sub 1000 feed level as well.

Classifieds changed, users have to pay to make a listing, it's user level seems to have tanked, certainly nowhere near as many items listed as before even if they get the same page views. Now RadioReference is turning it's back on the radios to charge more people for use of the reference. Changes keep coming and leaving a sour taste in the users mouths, yet the bottom line improves so posts like mine are meaningless squelch.:(


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
When ever we have change we'll have folks drop off because they don't agree with the changes, or the approach, etc. We lost about 50 feeds out of about 500 when we closed the ScanAmerica acquisition due to some not liking RadioReference. .and unfortunately we'll lose some feeds because of this change.

I respect your decision and wish you the best.

With that said, I wholeheartedly agree with your comments about the classifieds. They suck. We screwed that one up. We are going to fix that.


Jan 23, 2012
North Carolina
Another feed provider jumping ship?

I will wait to see how this shakes out but chances are quite good I will be another feed provider who goes offline.

It’s not a huge loss but I do consistently get ten or so listeners a day. I spent all of $30 for a scanner to provide the feed, the netbook was free and the electricity is not much so I break even on the RR Premium Subscription in a little over a year. That was enough incentive for me to do the feed but it is not clear that the benefit with Broadcastify will be enough to offset tying up the equipment which could be used for other things.

Further I am not sure I will decide that the RR subscription is worthwhile either, especially since I have found it less useful as time as progressed. I suspect that providing the audio servers was a cash drain for RR and he got a sizeable payment for selling, so I don’t blame Lindsay for taking this route. However it remains to be seen if the benefits to feed providers will be enough to keep enough feeds active to in turn attract enough people to Broadcastify to keep it in business. Competition is sure to challenge both Broadcastify and RR now.

Edit: It is acknowledged that Broadcastify is owned by (and that is quite interesting).
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