Yeah, when Steve and I "debugged" the car radios about three years ago, 154.815 was in there. Seems as if it was only in the lineup for a short period before it disappeared all together.
The last look I got before I left, 159.210 was identified as SPL DTL, or something very similar. I suspect that as newer radio control heads allow for more characters to be displayed, some channels will be renamed.
DC07, you are our man on the scene, so keep us up to date. Just about everytime a trooper got back from Montgomery with a new car, Steve and I would look at the radio control head channel display names. Keep in mind that you need to be prudent about what you share since you are on the inside. Some in DPS would take exception. Be discreet!
For instance, I don't think I ever said anything about 159.210 in a public forum until after I retired. My personal policy was to confirm what somebody else may have discovered on their own, like Warren's catch of 159.210.
The same is true of my current job. There are many things for y'all to "discover!"
The former A-C02