so there is no way to get the tx/rest/channels info from the Control Channel??
For most DMR systems,, you cannot get frequencies from control or voice channels. There are exceptions. You can get information about LCN’s and rest channels by watching the control channel and voice channels. But there’s got to be activity on the system if it’s sitting idle, you’re not going to see anything.
For Cap+ you must know the frequencies and LCNs. And you can monitor and active Cap+ voice, channel or rest, channel and get LCNs
On Con+ systems, you need to know the frequencies, and the LCNs that they are paired with
For most T3 systems, you can at least monitor the control channel for voice, calls, and private calls, which will indicate the active channel IDs. But most T3 systems will not tell you anything about the frequencies and use. However, often the T3 system would be using a standardized band plan that you could then make use of to calculate the frequencies from the channel IDs
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