There hasn't been a DV1 firmware update now for quite a while. I wonder if that's the end of any new firmware? What do the members here think and what's your opinion? Maybe that's it and no more?
There are some indications that instead of updating each DV1 and DV10 firmwares AOR attempted to integrate the firmware for the two receivers over the last year, resulting in problems for both radios.
I have little doubt this was brought about by the 'very expensive paid for' update relating to Tetra, the coding of which is stiil causing 'issues' according to various posts on other Forums. For some reason many seem to wrongly believe this will enable them to decrypt Tetra.
It has been some time since there was a stable firmware release for the DV1, which was the one prior to the paid for upgrade, and it appears there has never been one without problems for the DV10. Attempting to combine the firmwares serving only to create DV1 'issues' too.
Having released several 'flawed' firmware updates, one after the other, has made me lose all faith in AOR, especially their firmware 'quality control' and 'testing'.
My DV1 will sometimes freeze up when it's scanning a memory bank with the squelch staying open.
Pushing the scan button to try and restart the scan doesn't work as does turning the squelch level back to zero.
Curiously, turning the squelch level all the way to its maximum value will sometimes unfreeze it and scanning restarts.
I have noticed the same thing. Tried different firmware but still getting random lockups (sticking) on channels when scanning memories.
Easiest way to sort this is to just turn it off and on again.
I am starting to suspect power supply issues.
I have several radios running off of a 30amp PSU and noticed these lockups seemed to coincide after I had been using my HF receiver connected on the same psu.
So, stopped using that for a while but am still random getting lockups.
After sometime I have started to notice that these lockups seem to coincide if the internal fan on the PSU has kicked in.
Powering only the DV1 and a few ancillaries the fan never kicks in.
So I am suspecting my PSU may need looking at, ive had 20 years now and maybe the smoothing capacitors are drying out.
All the same, I am also suspecting that the DV1 is rather sensitive to spikes on its power input. Maybe smoothing capacitors have dried out in that as well? It is on 24/7.
Just some thoughts and observations that may be of help.
Vypadá to, že v letošním roce nebudou žádné aktualizace firmwaru pro DV1. Dlouho neexistoval žádný, kromě opravené chyby GSSI. Možná je to hotový produkt, pokud jde o firmware pro DV1. Možná ukládají všechny nové věci pro DV2
actually 2205A
Think he is referring to the 2205A firmware for the DV-10 for some reason..2205A? That must be the stealth version as I've never heard of it.