Thanks PBoy....I have heard traffic on the following VIPER TGs so far:
20064=NCOEMSSTSTAFF NC Office of EMS Staff
20080=NCOEMSSTATWIDE NC Office of EMS Statewide
20032=NCPHSTSTAFF North Carolina Public Health Staff
20048=NCPHSTATEWIDE North Carolina Public Health Statewide
33600=aka "EVENT 1"....Raleigh Fire Command heard here...
6352=NCNGTG1 NC National Guard Talkgroup 1
6384=NCNGTG2 NC National Guard Talkgroup 2
20144=NCOSFMRAL NC Office State Fire Marshal Raleigh
20112=NCOSFMADMIN NC Office State Fire Marshal Admin
I know I am forgetting a few somewhere...will try to compile a log and post it later tonight or early tomorrow...
found this freq thanks to the " DOT Search " in the BCT-8...and it helped my butt as i drove/swam thru duplin county friday morning heading to shelby ! (not a fancy vipir or talkgroup freq, but it works !)
I too strapped the pontoons on the ole Crown Vic headin to Duplin County to get some pictures of the flooding. Nary a thing was heard on VIPER outside of the usual SHP TGs. Signal Stalker and search features yielded minimal results. An extensive army of DOT trucks was out and about, however nothing truly exciting to monitor....
Better luck next disaster I reckon... Supposed to get rain today and tomorrow, ought to be interesting to see the results of that...
barefootdipole said:
DOT 47.32 Mhz Duplin/Pender Co's.....
found this freq thanks to the " DOT Search " in the BCT-8...and it helped my butt as i drove/swam thru duplin county friday morning heading to shelby ! (not a fancy vipir or talkgroup freq, but it works !)