Warren, don't I know it. Though actually, I do like McDumdum chocolate shakes.
To me fast food is an oxymoron.
Going back to McD's. I got stationed in England in Sept 78. I'd been there about a week when I went on a tour to the Farnbourgh Air Show (now where else would a group of American Air Force people go?). To get there we had to go through London. As we were leaving the central part of London, someone spotted a McDonalds and the immediate cry was to stop the bus.
As I was 'navigating' for the bus driver (I actually knew London better. from a short trip there a couple of years before, than he did), the task fell to me to 'remember' where the place was so we could stop on the way back and have 'American' food (yeah right). So on our return trip, we found another McD's and stopped. British McDonald's are no better than American ones.
Now a German McD's does offer one very nice treat. The food is still typical McDumdum fare, but you can order BEER with your burger and pomme frittes.
"Ich mochte ein viertel funter, mit grosse pomme frites und ein bier bitte."