Are there any requirements or regulations that would mandate Federal Government to use or move to a specific freq. band. The Dept. of Veterans Affairs where I work is currently using the 165.xxxx band since an upgrade in 2004. An employee has stated that we must move to the UHF band and I need to find information that would support or deny that. Any help would be greatly appriciated.
" The Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (IRAC) was established in 1922 and is now located in the U.S. Department of Commerce. The IRAC consists of 20 representatives from the various government agencies involved in or using the radio frequencies. "
Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee - The IT Law Wiki
NTIA: Office of Spectrum Management -->
NTIA Office of Spectrum Management
I have been out of the loop since " 1997 " ; but , federal freqs at one time were region specific. All agencys in an area / region could talk to each other if possible - especially the military. Now, as I understand..Freqs are moving toward being agency specific..from my reading and research. Some DOD contractors and research facilitys are on the U.S govt band...But in my day , mobiles were most generally VHF high, while portables were UHF specific ; but again, I have been out of the lopp since "97" ; when we ( the U.S Govt ) used Bendix King radios. After procuring the radios, they went to the " Third Shop" to get cleared , cleansed and programmed. In any sense , the FCC has the federal band as specific...So unless you are referreing to " narrowbanding " ; There is not much " Uncle Sam " operates already on UHF.
In any sense....bands are allocated ; in a sense - so no one entity broadcast over another - to keep from area congestion. One of the reasons why the FCC requires licensing of radios.
FF - Medic !!!