I've wondered just why the CC listing hasn't been divided up by at least `districts' instead of being one big huge almost mind numbing listing like it is? While it *may* be easy for those who already have a pretty decent idea of just where a lot of the places are because of having lived here and having dealt with various old sites it really *isn't* all that easy for those who haven't. On top of that there are a lot of site names that are basically only `local' names rather than `map' names. In Jambo's case he could have gotten off on an easier start by being able to at least look at a CSP `district' map and been a lot closer to zeroing in on the CCs in that district, or districts, and then maybe getting a bit more `topical' map to do the final choosing.
Oh, well... I suspect that because we are all `learning' there will eventually be changes made and questions like this will be relegated to only those who, `normally?', wouldn't bother to take advantage of even having it `handed to them on a platter' like such a setup like `district', or even `county' CC listings would provide and would *still* ask. ('Course I *also* somewhat expect that there are *some* here who would rather have it such that there would only be a CC listing that had *only* the freqs and nothing about their location. After all... Why make it easier for `newbies' when they had to `chase down' everything themselves? That way only those who are `serious' about this will be the ones who can listen. Gotta keep the `riffraff' out ya know.)
Just an `Olde Fart's' 2¢ worth. {WAN GRIN!}