Actually, I have been making slight improvements to my system and I have to say reception continues to get better. Sometimes under certain weather conditions I am able to receive McGuire and Lakehurst Towers/approach, JFK tower, ground, name it, and also CAMRN and ROBER sectors of NY TRACON very well!! When conditions are unfavorable I can still here them if I turn down the squelch all the way. I can always receive a nearby RCAG in Colts Neck, NJ and some more distant ones in Ship Bottom, NJ.
With an Antronix amplifier I can receive the Jersey City TRS to the north and as far as Bucks County, PA TRS to the west (Not quite as well as JC). The amplifier shows excellent improvement all over UHF but unfortunately, until I get my PAR filter for 152 MHz in the mail, these nearby pagers make the amp practically useless on VHF.
The only filter I have now is one for FM broadcasts. I will probably end up finding that I need a filter for 162 MHz. I have two very strong NOAA stations that may be de-sensing my front end as well. Luckily I had the amp already from a previous cable TV setup. I was also able to find the source of some electrical noise on VHF. It turned out to be the ballast of a fluorescent light fixture on top of my fish tank, which was radiating RF from the power cord. An RFI choke on the light fixture power cord took care of that.
To anyone who thinks that a discone will solve all their problems, you are somewhat right, but be warned! You may need to spend an additional 100-200 dollars depending on your location and the amount of interference you get from surrounding sources. I know I will be pleased with the end result, and in a way I am glad that I had no idea about all this before I put it up. Knowing me, I probably wouldn't have bothered at all, and never would have learned so much more about the hobby.