Hello all,
I thought up until last night that I had the latest firmware on my BCD396T. Anyway I updated it last night from 3.1 to 3.3. I re-downloaded the Knox County system and chose Re-band and custom. I noticed that in my setting I had the new custom band plan setting that I did not have on my old system. I went to Uniden and custom set the first 2 band plans to what was listed on the UnidenMan firmware Update instructions:
1(band plan), Base freq lower(851.025MHz), Base freq lower(854.000MHz), Offset(440), Polarity(+ ), Spacing(25KHz).
2 (band plan), Base freq lower(851.0125MHz), Base freq lower(868.9875MHz), Offset(0), Polarity(+), Spacing(25kHz).
My question is: What about Band plan 3, 4, 5 and 6? Do those stay blank on the Knoxville/Knox County System?
I thought up until last night that I had the latest firmware on my BCD396T. Anyway I updated it last night from 3.1 to 3.3. I re-downloaded the Knox County system and chose Re-band and custom. I noticed that in my setting I had the new custom band plan setting that I did not have on my old system. I went to Uniden and custom set the first 2 band plans to what was listed on the UnidenMan firmware Update instructions:
1(band plan), Base freq lower(851.025MHz), Base freq lower(854.000MHz), Offset(440), Polarity(+ ), Spacing(25KHz).
2 (band plan), Base freq lower(851.0125MHz), Base freq lower(868.9875MHz), Offset(0), Polarity(+), Spacing(25kHz).
My question is: What about Band plan 3, 4, 5 and 6? Do those stay blank on the Knoxville/Knox County System?