Lomita / San Pedro / PV Penninsula FD

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Feb 9, 2006
Hello All....

Been a while since I posted, but the last time I did you ALL were a great help!

In fact that probably the reason I didn't post since...I've just been listening ever since.

I have been using the RR DB, and Win97 to maintain my scanner and have been doing just fine listening to LAC sheriff, Torrance/Redondo/ElSegundo PDs. (Even went so far as to put up a "real" pole mounted antenna so I could pickup LASO Input frequency that are xmit near me.)

Anyhow, Over the last few days/weeks there have a been a number of fire/ems dispatches in my neighborhood, however since I'm monitoring mostly all police frequencies I didn't hear the calls. On that note I wanted to know how I can tell which frequencies I should listen to for my area?

I live in Lomita (90717) and would like to pickup EMS/Fire in my area---but I'm unsure which channel that would be of LACFD. Any ideas?

I imported ALL of LACFD and there is simply too much traffic to discern which one is proper for my area...

Also, when I'm trying to listen to LA Co Sheriff local dispatch out of Lomita/Avalon 484.03750 and things are silent I know it means that dispatch is being done by another location. Is there a standard hand-off to another dispatch location, or is it decided at the time? Meaning can I could on Carson, or some other dispatch taking over for Lomita if things are slow?

Thanks for the help...

Also, if anyone is in the area and has some interesting frequencies that I may might be interested in, but aren't in the RR DB, please feel free to let me know. :p



Aug 22, 2006
Big Bear
Okay LACoFD for your area I recommend their Disp. on 470.5375, that's county wide and just announces the calls. 470.6125 would be their response channel for that area. Firegrounds are usually announced according area and what is available. Listen to the call and they'll say what fireground they are going to use. You just have to relate the Tac. Channel they call out to the actual freq.

As for LASD, Lomita and Avalon are very quiet areas. They don't change dispatch channels, that freq. is monitored and controled by the Sheriff's Communication Center in East L.A. If their is a problem at S.C.C. they drop the busy tone and Lomita station stays on that freq. and dispatches all their calls by voice. Avalon switches to the L-Tac freq (482.8875). Avalon is so small though (being on Catalina Island) that most of their traffic is on L-Tac anyway. L-Tac is used for car to car and car to desk traffic. When you clall LASD you get the local station. They take the call and dispatch it from the station.

The reason you don't hear a lot of traffic is because all routine calls (the vast majority of calls for service) for LASD are only dispatched via CAD/MDT. The only calls that get voiced out on the dispatch channel are priority and emergent calls. When the call gets sent out from the local station it gets sent digitally to S.C.C. who then voices it to the field units.


Feb 9, 2006
jrholm said:
Okay LACoFD for your area I recommend their Disp. on 470.5375, that's county wide and just announces the calls. 470.6125 would be their response channel for that area. Firegrounds are usually announced according area and what is available. Listen to the call and they'll say what fireground they are going to use. You just have to relate the Tac. Channel they call out to the actual freq.

Alright, I'll give them a try, Thanks much!

The reason you don't hear a lot of traffic is because all routine calls (the vast majority of calls for service) for LASD are only dispatched via CAD/MDT. The only calls that get voiced out on the dispatch channel are priority and emergent calls. When the call gets sent out from the local station it gets sent digitally to S.C.C. who then voices it to the field units.

Ah ha... I see... So based on my area "what" I can listen to is limited by the fact that LASD dispatches on MDT routinely? When I was living in Redondo Beach it seemed like every little thing was said over the air, while the sheriffs are a 180 from that.

Thanks again for the input and advice. It looks like I'm going to have to get a Pro96 to listen in on LAPD now...seeing as though that's the "other half" of my neighborhood.



Feb 19, 2006
Off the Air
Dlight97 said:
It looks like I'm going to have to get a Pro96 to listen in on LAPD now...seeing as though that's the "other half" of my neighborhood.
Keep in mind that LAPD is probably pretty similar to LASD in the relative number of calls that are "voiced" vs those that aren't. About 70% of LAPD's calls (all the non-coded ones) go by MDT only; all Code-3/emergency and most Code-2/urgent calls are voice broadcast, as well as most messages relating to those calls.

As a bonus for scanner-fans, though sometimes a pain in the neck for the PSRs and officers, the voiced calls are generally multicast on the frequencies for all divisions adjacent to the division-of-occurrence. So a hot call in 77th Div, for instance, will be usually be broadcast on 77th, S/West. S/East, Newton, Pacific, and South Traffic frequencies. As well as on Tac 1/Analog (154.83) which you can hear with any scanner, and the Air/K9/Hailing frequency. That makes the air pretty busy about 22/7, and there's no beeping to cover the units' transmissions, either :)
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