Looking at the Crystal Mt FCC license, it looks like it was just modified back in February. They list 3 repeaters, and added the modulation for DMR / Moto Turbo. Repeater outputs are 151.985, 152.420, 152.465. There are 6 higher frequencies. 157.680 is a repeater input. The other 2 inputs would be among the others. The remaining would probably be simplex frequencies. The repeater location is listed in the base area, so probably can't be heard outside the valley. The other inputs/simplex are 157.725, 159.525, 159.465, 159.975, 160.020. Given the license was recently updated, I presume that it covers the current operation. I didn't find any other licenses for the ski area. Make sure you're listening for Moto Turbo modulation in addition to analog, and keep in mind that they might be operating encrypted.