That makes alot of since. (or is it sence?) Hell you know what i mean..
I only mention this because he asked: It's "sense." You can remember it by imagining the "e" as a little x-ray of a head since "making sense" occurs inside the head. I have no idea on how to remember to use the second "s" instead of a "c." Your on your own there.
I'll give all of you who are stunned by my brilliance a moment to catch your breath.
Now I have question: Once when I was very young I was talking to a guy who owned a radio shop here in Tulsa. He went on a tirade about cops who had the audacity to ask him to open the circuits in their Regency radios so they could simply program in whatever frequency they needed. The guy said he always refused to do it because "being a cop doesn't mean they have the right throw out the FCC's rules. They're only licensed to broadcast on their department's frequencies and I ain't gonna help them break the law!"
So, how does the FCC licensing work on these hospital helicopters? I assume that they MUST be equipped and allowed to broadcast on whatever frequency they need at any time they need it. Life and death situations. So is their some kind of license waver they get? Or is there a license you can acquire that gives you free range?
p.s. "Alot" isn't a world. It should be "a lot." I'm so sorry, I'll shut up now.