For 44.9000 I heard muffled voice with static on 2/12/2010 in Frederick. It was such a bad signal that I couldn't tell what language it was. I've never heard anything else on that in the several months I've listened.
For nearby freqs I've also clearly heard the MD Trpr Choppers on 44.4700 and for 43.0000, muffled voice with static more than once in Rockville. 43.0000 is supposed to be a contractor that cleans up train wrecks. I've also heard clear activity on 45.1000 which is Adams Co, PA Public Safety and Northern VA VDOT. 47.5400 is supposed to be Loudon VA Fire TA and 47.4200 Loudon VA Red Cross but I haven't tried them. Some of these low band freqs seem to travel much farther than higher bands. I don't know if it's due to repeaters or something else. Does anyone know why? For example, I can hear 460.5250 in Franklin Co, PA and I'm pretty sure it's is a semulcast of 45.6200 but only heard it a couple of times with static on hills in Frederick and N. Montgomery Co's in MD (about 3 Co's away). I can hear 45.6200 fairly clear even in central Montgomery Co, MD.
Recently I heard a CB on 45.6200 which is Franklin Co, PA Public Safety. I'm sure it was a CB because I heard the guy on my CB and saw him drive by. When near, he often bleeds from CB Ch 19 up to 21 and down to 18 causing me and others to turn off our radios.