I'm decoding our county's public safety system using an HP2. No simulcast problems, since one of the antennas is less than half-a-mile away. But I can't lock into our state's phase 1 simulcast system, which is nearly 5 miles away. I'm planning to dedicate a couple SDR dongles and an antenna to that system.
I only care about receiving in that 850 MHz range. My algorithm is to first try the antenna either in the attic, or the indoor living space. If absolutely necessary, I'll pay to have someone roof-mount the antenna. I'm too old to climb up there. No freestanding masts or tree mounts, please. Transmit capability is unnecessary. Suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I only care about receiving in that 850 MHz range. My algorithm is to first try the antenna either in the attic, or the indoor living space. If absolutely necessary, I'll pay to have someone roof-mount the antenna. I'm too old to climb up there. No freestanding masts or tree mounts, please. Transmit capability is unnecessary. Suggestions?
Thanks in advance.