See that there is a new GRE Manual out not, called Version 1.10.
I printed out the 1.09 one some time back.
Haven't had a chance to go thru the new 1.10 yet.
Any "substantial" changes in it, that would necessitate the printing out of it,
in your opinion ?
Unfortunately, they don't seem to have a Revision page showing the changes and additions.
Or, is it somewhere that i missed ?
See that there is a new GRE Manual out not, called Version 1.10.
I printed out the 1.09 one some time back.
Haven't had a chance to go thru the new 1.10 yet.
Any "substantial" changes in it, that would necessitate the printing out of it,
in your opinion ?
Unfortunately, they don't seem to have a Revision page showing the changes and additions.
Or, is it somewhere that i missed ?