Received mine too, happy with it.
After copying the new rtlusb.dll file to the sdr-sharp folder, the V4 now receives shortwave signals from SDR-Sharp version 1919.
Modified Osmocom drivers with enhancements for RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 units. - rtlsdrblog/rtl-sdr-blog
The 1732 version I use most and that one works too, with the new driver.
I wrote some info about the V4 (and other models) on the Dutch forum:
The V4 has slightly less basic noise on several bands than the V3 version, when receiving air band and 2m band signals.
I see less spikes, but Gain should be adjusted a little bit higher than V3. There's less interference from local FM stations.
There are a few FM BC stations in about 2 km around my QTH.
My V4 is PPM -1 and my V3 is PPM -2, both are stable and stay on frequency.
I also own a blue China RTL-USB, PPM +79 and two black ones that I have modified to -2 with extra capacitors inside the case.
Those were the ones I started with, years ago.
These are the cheapest devices to start with the radio hobby, they do a good job.
With the V4 I could receive overseas signals on 20m band (I am in the Netherlands) from CA and USA.
Couldn't operate them because my antenna was knocked over by a plum tree and now it's not working optimally for TX.
For RX with the v4 it does it's job fine and weeks ago I used the RSP1a instead for HF signals.