newbie car/mobile scanner setup

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Jun 4, 2009
Hey guys, Im pretty new to this hobby and just getting started so a have a few questions, mostly related to setting up a mobile system in my car. Ive had a Uniden BCD396T for a few years now and have really only listened to my town, recently ive been adding more and more frequencies and started carrying the scanner in my car. My question is what is a good antenna to use for the car, and what external speaker is loud enough and small enough to mount somewhere under the dash on the drivers side. I found a thread here on radio reference that talked about this speaker:
Electronics, Computers, Digital Cameras, Games, Mounts, Video, Audio : Uniden ESP20 20-Watt External CB Speaker [T46136] - $10.95
and people said it was a good speaker but the thread was a year old and I wanted to get some new opinions. I also found this antenna
SpectrumForce Wideband Antenna with Mag Mount and SMA
Im not looking for a crazy mobile setup just enough to get better reception while driving and make the scanner easier to listen to, aka louder.
Most of the time im listening to law enforcement, EMS and fire channels. Another question i have is about the different types of frequencies, for example high band, low band, VHF, UHF, what exactly do these mean and how can i better understand them? i do understand how to program my scanner based on the freqs listed in the database here, for example trunked systems, conventional systems, EDACS systems, ect.


Jun 4, 2009
i read up on the UHF and VHF and have a better understanding of the spectrum and where freqs fall. the reason i asked about this is so that i can better understand what antenna to get. after doing that research i feel like the antenna posted above is a good option but i would like something a little more sleek and less noticeable. could anyone point me in the right direction. i know i may have to buy the BMC SMA adapter which is fine if the antenna fits what i need. Thanks


Aug 17, 2008
Perhaps the least noticeable antenna is going to be a 1/4 wave VHF antenna. This will give great performance on VHF (150 MHz) and and will act acceptably on UHF (460 MHz) and will also work an the 800 MHz stuff.

Here is a pic of my truck roof with 4 different antennas.

The one in the center most position (just in front of the XM antenna) is what I am talking about. Just a small mount and a short (15 inch) long whip.


The antenna to the right is the Larsen tri-band scanner antenna. It is a little shorter than the 1/4 wave whip, but it has a loading coil which will be more easily noticed.

Now, the key to having a clean looking and unnoticeable antenna (IMO) is to drill and mount in permanently. This means there are no magnets and coax hanging around and getting pinched in doors or windows. And you will see a huge improvement over your rubber duckie on the handheld.

Good luck,



Jun 4, 2009

The car does have an ipod jack but i want to be able to listen to music and the scanner at the same time. also i dont want to permanently mount anything because i would like to sell the car soon and dont want holes in the roof if i take the antenna off. and the antenna you recommended the 1/4 wave, it will work well with police and ems and fire freqs? perhaps i dont under the UHF and VHF as well as i thought. I thought each one VHF, UHF covers a range of feqs. for example VHF covers 300-3000 Mhz. is this incorrect? also what is a rubber duckie? is that a name for the antenna the scanner came with?


Aug 17, 2008
All frequencies are divided into acronyms.

Here is (to the best of my knowledge) where we stand now.

VLF (very low frequency)= About 500 kHz or 1/2 of 1 MHz. Below AM broadcast. This is LOW!!
HF (high frequency)= 1 to 30 MHz
VHF-LO (Very high frequency low)= 30 to 100ish MHz
VHF-HI or sometimes just called VHF= 100 to 300ish MHz
UHF (ultra high frequency) = 300 to 1000 MHz <-- This seems to be a point of argument amongst some.
SHF (Super High frequency) = 1000 MHz and up.

There are other breakdowns here and there, and all limits are subject to debate, but these are fairly close. SO when you are looking for an antenna to do VHF, you are looking at one to do 100 to 300 MHz. BUT (there is always a but), most of the business VHF frequencies are 150 to 176 MHz. So a VHF antenna is usually optimized for this spread

UHF would cover a large swath, but folks will generally break it down even further. Even though 800 MHz is a UHF frequency, most folks will qualify 800 MHz as it's own designation. UHF business frequencies are usually about 460 MHz, so antennas will be closely tuned to this area.

So by getting an antenna that will cover VHF, UHF and 800 MHz, the general convention is an antenna that will be tweaked for 150-176 MHz, 460 MHz (+ or - 15 MHz), and 800-900 MHz.

This would be a "tri-band" antenna.

So you need to determine where your local EMS and fire frequencies are and get an antenna built to cover those frequencies.

Hope this helps and doesn't fuddle the mind too much :)



Sep 6, 2006
Monmouth County, NJ
I don't believe anyone has commented on the speaker yet.

I can vouch for the Uniden speaker. I have used it mobily in my car for close to 2 years now and have never had a problem. As long as it is mounted somewhere in the center of the vehicle. When I didn't have it mounted and just free laying on the floor in the back, it would occasionally bother passengers to the right of the car if it was directly behind them.

It is very loud at the scanner's highest volume, therefore you should be pleased if you make it your selection.


Jun 4, 2009
Thanks WM everything makes a lot more sense now and i do need a tri-band antenna it fits my town and the ones around me perfectly. so now i want to ask what is a good triband antenna to go with for my car? Also thanks KC2PXV, i think i will go with the uniden speaker.


Aug 17, 2008
I personally like the Larsen brand tri-bander, Larsen has been making public service antennas (Fire,ambulance,police, ETC) for decades are they are widely regarded as the longest lasting and best performing. I have several antennas which have been in service for over a decade and are still going strong after all of those Wyoming winters. THAT SAID, they do not come cheap. And unless you really plan on beating your antennas (I do a LOT of offroading and spend time in disturbingly cold places), any of the commercially available antennas should work.

With the Larsen, You would need to also purchase a magnetic mount base for it to stick to your vehicle. This adds cost. I have mine mounted on a permanent mount on my roof, but this requires a hole be drilled and I know you were wanting to avoid that.

Her is the link to the antenna ahyway

Larsen NMO150/450/800 Tri-Band NMO Antenna

If you want to go with a magnetic option for a little cheaper, there are a lot to choose from.

SpectrumForce Wideband Antenna with Mag Mount and SMA

Something like this antenna may work. It is small, light and magnetic. Just make sure you get the one with the correct connector (SMA or BNC). You would see a vast improvement over your stock antenna.



Jun 4, 2009
ok so now im thinking that i would want to mount it to the roof as it will look cleaner and more proffesional. if i use the larsen antenna that you gave me:
Larsen NMO150/450/800 Tri-Band NMO Antenna

would this mount work for it:
Larsen NMOKHFUDSMAI 3/4" mount, 0-6 GHz, SMA Male Installed | TESSCO

my reason for questioning is because of the mount size. the mount says it is for a 3/4 in hole mount but the antenna does not say what size hole it needs. how do i figure out what size hole the antenna needs and if these two will work together?

also i know in the description that mount says it comes with the sma installed and i just want to make sure that means the cable ends and has an sma connection since that is the connection on the scanner.


Aug 17, 2008

Those should work together. Both are NMO mount which stands for "new motorola". The mount is many decades old, but it is still called that.

It is the most common mount and my personal fav. If the mount is installed correctly, they are waterproof even if the antenna is removed. Not true with some of the other variety of mounts.

So when you get it, either do some good research and find some info on how to install it, or get yourself somebody who has done them before. They are simple to install, but unless you have done one, it can be a bit of a learning curve. Just remember a few simple steps,

1.It takes a 3/4 inch hole

2.You feed the coax THROUGH the hole and put the mount in from the top down. Don't try to install from underneath as it will not fit that way.

3.Make sure the o-ring on the mount is properly fit into it's little grove on the "ring" (you will see what you get it). The ONLY time I have seen one of these leak is because somebody did not take the time with the o-ring and they pinched it and cut it.

4. On the actual part that the coax attaches to, there are 2 small holes. These are for a special tool to keep the mount from spinning while you tighten up the ring. If you do not have the tool, a pair of needle nose pliers fit PERFECTLY into those little holes.

5. Do not over tighten the ring onto the mount. You want the o-ring compressed and the metal of the ring to engage the metal of the vehicle. If you go too far, the mount can break.

6. The wrench size for the ring is 15/16ths, but a pair of channel lock pliers works just a good.

Good luck and ask questions if you have them



Jun 4, 2009
thanks for all the help WM. ill be getting everything this coming week and doing the install next weekend. ill post a picture once its finished.
Thanks again!


Jun 4, 2009

Thank you for all the help. Got it mounted just a little while ago and I love it. Much better reception. Looks clean and fit perfectly. Install was a piece of cake. Heres a few phone pics sorry for the grainy quality.



Once again thanks for all the help!!
Next up is the speaker. I hope to get to that next weekend.


Aug 17, 2008
It looks great!! And I'm glad it works better, I knew it would.

And yes, a decent NMO mounted antenna is about as clean of a look as it gets.

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