Do you have the paid upgrade to monitor TRBO (DmR)FD calls and then nothing. no pd nothing. will send my list
To receive DMR transmissions, yes.did i need that?
Where are you seeing DMR, Doc?To receive DMR transmissions, yes.
It looks like you are programming this P25 system:if someone can see what im doing wrong and tell me that would be great. only getting a few FD calls and then nothing. no pd nothing. will send my list
MOTOTRBO - The RadioReference Wiki in the mode columnWhere are you seeing DMR,
DMR/MotoTRBO isn't needed to monitor the OP's county services on NKYRCSMOTOTRBO - The RadioReference Wiki in the mode column
Click the link I gave you in post #4. You'll want to zip the .hpe file generated via the Sentinel export and post it as an attachment so someone can look at your programmingthen now how do i send it?
You're referring to overwritring the existing file? Your call. You can overwrite existing or export to a different directory. If you choose the latter you'll need to remember where you saved it when you import it into Sentinelforce write or skip?