How is this antenna on the 500 Mhz band? I'm smack-dab between about 5 or 6 500 Mhz systems (some conventional, some trunked, some P-25) where I am just on the cusp of reception, and my own county's conventional PD system is 500. I can get the Burlington systems marginally okay, Gloucester county channels 5-9 come in decent and anything else in that county is weak or nothing. I would Love to pick up Delaware county. I can pick it up a bit near the downstairs kitchen window. Oddly enough, the upstairs window facing the same direction I get nadda. Very frustrating! I would also love to get Bucks county. I receive the control channel, but the P25 voice channels come in broken up to the point of being unintelligible. There are times when I hear voice channels from the Salem county system or the Ocean county system, but not a peep from a control channel anywhere in the house. So you see my need to improve on the UHF 500. Is the 20-176 the antenna for me?