Safe Schools

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Jun 10, 2006
Broomfield/Aurora, CO
On my ride along today, the officer had a channel called "safe schools" in his radio. From the way he explained it it sounded like some sort of simplex channel, but he said there were repeaters put up for it, that was only to be used in a RED, or active shooter incident in a school. This was in Boulder County. Does anyone have anymore info? Or what the freq might be?


Sep 12, 2008
Santa Fe , New Mexico
On my ride along today, the officer had a channel called "safe schools" in his radio. From the way he explained it it sounded like some sort of simplex channel, but he said there were repeaters put up for it, that was only to be used in a RED, or active shooter incident in a school. This was in Boulder County. Does anyone have anymore info? Or what the freq might be?

Is that really something we would want out there in the open James? :wink:


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Mar 26, 2009
South Dacono, CO
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Uhm.... Bring your scanner, ask him to transmit while you're on signal stalker? Just a thought? Lol. (I know I know! I'm kidding)


May 3, 2008
Castle Rock, Co.
Just a note to this. We who are fire alarm certified "NICIT"are all learning about systems that emergency ops will be able to use via radio,phones,and data channels that is a new part of the code called "Mass notification". In large builds schools being one, will have speaker systems that will notify people of how to avoid the problems in buildings, be it a active shooter, a fire or just about any thing this will also "page out" the EBS in the event of weather info in the immediate area under threat. What they have found is that too many people have been put in harms way by walking into danger instead of being directed away from the danger at hand. EMS will use it on scene ether to talk to each other or the public. Once in place you will be able to get text messages, e-mail, or voice notification if that building and you subscribe to the service.


Jul 8, 2007
Northeast Nebraska
Here out east of you guys, Omaha Public Schools is looking into SafeSchools. Don't know where the money will come from, or if it will get off the ground. However, the school district also has a radio in the each of the Schools' office that can operate over ORION DTRS in case of an emergency, along with a Resource Officer.

I do agree, good link.
May 31, 2008
Bennett Colorado
After reading and watching the video about this system it sounds like the frequency depend on the systems used by the school s and the communication center. It seems to be an emergency patch of sort.If you really want the frequency look up the school in FCC data base, then monitor those frequencies at some point someone will run a drill or a test, hopefully not use , but as stated before I really don’t think these would do good being in the public’s hands


Apr 4, 2004
Slightly NE of the People's Republic of Firestone
After reading and watching the video about this system it sounds like the frequency depend on the systems used by the school s and the communication center. It seems to be an emergency patch of sort.If you really want the frequency look up the school in FCC data base, then monitor those frequencies at some point someone will run a drill or a test, hopefully not use , but as stated before I really don’t think these would do good being in the public’s hands

Hmmmmmmm... Why not? Wouldn't it be better if the public, albeit scanner using public in our case here on RR, would be able know that something `untoward' was happening and be able to `steer clear' of the `scene' thereby lessening things like `lookieloos' and other hinderances those actually involved in whatever was happening would be dealing with? One of the major reason that my wife and I carry, and use, scanners in our vehicles is so that we will have the ability and chance to be able to `steer clear' of things we, and those actually involved, don't need to be `cluttering up'.

In fact it, the scanner, came in handy just this very afternoon when there was a FD pageout for South Valley Middle School where our son attends right before school normally lets out. Instead of SWMBO going first to SVMS and picking him up she changed her route to go up first to Valley High School and pick up our daughter and then came back down to Platteville where she then picked up our son who had, by then gotten out and had gone over to the Platteville Library to wait for her according to our already worked out plan for things like this. If she hadn't been able to have heard the page out and been able to act accordingly she would have been just another parental vehicle just adding something unnecessary to the scene.

IMNSHO this is plenty of reason to know.


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