Did everyone catch that Sandy Springs in Cobb County is testing, and wants to buy, camera systems that strap to the cop's ear? Records everything they see and do. Interesting ongoing use of technology. $6K each.
I was on my way home (in Cobb) traveling Johnson Ferry, crossed the river and out of no where comes a SSPD unit opposite direction on a full code. He was coming out of Cobb and headed into Fulton. I was really curious until I remembered that near Lower Roswell is a Dunkin Donuts!
Saw it in action on Channel 46 news last night. Neat little unit. Made by the same company that makes tazers. Wonder when they'll put those with the cameras Look and zap! Larry
I wore a device similar to what you all describe in 2006 when my then agency tested it. It was a radio mic that had a color video cam/audio recorder in it. It was pretty cool for recording interviews of victims or bad guys and playing it back to remember all the details but was crap in low light or when moving (like chasing someone down.
This is what Sandy Spings is testing....TASER AXON
Its expensive and only gives a narrow view of the whole picture of an incident.