Currently Douglas County Search and Rescue working a search and rescue in the hills behind Pineview Estates. Careflight helicopter located patient, landed and medical assessing patient. Ground units having a hard time making their way up to where the patient is. Apparently patient had a seizure. Strong winds and approaching t-storm hampering efforts.
TAC Channel for ops is on East Fork Fire Orange: 156.225 CT 141.3
Comms with Careflight is on CALCORD: 156.075
Trying to figure out how to get the patient out of the hills.
Been going on now for couple of hours now...
TAC Channel for ops is on East Fork Fire Orange: 156.225 CT 141.3
Comms with Careflight is on CALCORD: 156.075
Trying to figure out how to get the patient out of the hills.
Been going on now for couple of hours now...