SDRTrunk Multi-System Multi-Node System Build


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2019
Florissant, MO
Hi All,

Am hoping to receive some insight into building a system suited to scan and stream calls from 3-4 different site nodes from two different trunked systems. One of the systems is P25 Phase 1 Simulcast in the 800mhz range while the other is a P25 Phase 1 in the VHF range. Here is my current setup and status of it:

3 nodes, 2 on the UHF simulcast and one on the VHF system. I have 3 RTL2832U dongles plugged into my 2019 Macbook Pro with an I5 Quad Core and 8GB of ram. Running this over the last 7 months has just shredded this poor thing, I am shocked it turns on still... Most of the calls are picked up good although I have yet to figure out how to record two calls on the same node at the same time. Will record calls at the same time on different nodes, however.

Would like recommendations for minimum specs of a replacement PC to run this system, as well as any tips on antenna setup as I have poor reception with the VHF site. Or just any comments in general. Thanks!