Yes, Wyolink is almost exclusively VHF with the exception being a couple towns that tie in an 800mhz site or two.
Fortunately (or unfortunately actually), my wife had her flight delayed into Denver for more than nine hours yesterday. SO I had AMPLE time to sit and play with filters and I cruised around to and from the airport and to feed/placate my children.
Overall, the WORST filter options without exception were "normal" and "off". Sites that where -70 or -80db would be utterly unusable with these filter settings. No decode, no control channel, nada. This held true as I traveled between Fort Collins, DIA, Denver proper, Longmont, etc. And it wasn't just with the DTRS; this provided the worst decode for FRCC and Adams/Arapaho counties.
The best was "wide normal" by a pretty wide margin. This had the best decode as I drove around in the vicinity of all the above mentioned systems. Sites that were not acknowledged when in "normal" or "off" settings, were -55 to -80db and decoded perfectly. This seemed to hold true all over northern Colorado and with the various systems.
I can appreciate that filter settings will vary by location and conditions, but I think the best overall selection when in Colorado is the wide normal filter. It is better than auto (like trying to make the scanner run 100 yards while carrying suitcases full of bricks) for speed, and generally decoded things quite well.
Certainly curious to hear the thoughts of others.