Maybe I'm missing it or the DB isn't capable, but how does one search a range of frequencies in the DB? I'm specifically looking to search between 30MHz and 40MHz. Thanks!
I assume that you're mostly looking to do some searches within the state, or maybe one or two nearby states? You should be able to grab those per-state CSV files, dump them into a spreadsheet, and sort/filter as needed.
yeah the lowband in my county is gone but Warren Co is still active on it and I have heard some skip coming in on my scanner dedicated to finding lowband. I have a TK-630 in my truck with 32 channel capacity and have the 2nd group filled with 10 m stuff, and have some old expired local stuff in group 1. Was looking to get rid of the local business stuff and add some longer range in use lowband and see if I can pick it up.