it is just that some folks that come here really have to be given step by step kind of help.
i have time and have help...quite a few. i have sent thousands of personal messages.
the reason for personal and not here on a 'main page' is that some ask almost the same question because they don't fully understand the answer.
also they will ask one person what they think is a really stupid question and not look like a fool to hundreds.
i have been asked, 'how do i turn up the squelch", "what does conventional mean".
yes i have sent the link to on line manuals, after i answer their question.
and even then i say here is something read if you get time and not READ THIS.
ok time to turn the radios on.
Your willingness to help in a kind and thoughtful manner is very much appreciated by "lifelong learners" like me, wtp!
There have been times when I wasn't even certain about HOW to ask the question, and digging through a large number of discussions on RadioReference or re-reading the owners' manual over and over again simply didn't yield the information I was looking for.
I had an elementary school teacher about 65 years ago who was famous for being short-tempered and impatient. I once asked her how to spell a particular word, and she snapped back with, "Look it up in the dictionary!" Frustrated, I asked, "If I can't spell it, how am I going to find it in the dictionary?" She decided my question was "disrespectful" and sent me to the Principal's office . . .
Thanks for all the hard work you've put into being helpful, wtp . . . it's appreciated.
-Johnnie (KC5IGH)