The $767 question


Mar 6, 2025
I am a Spokane County, Washington resident and am seriously thinking about buying a uniden Sds200. My only worry is the police will go to full encryption and my scanner will be obsolete in the near future. I currently listen to scanner 5.0 nightly here, but can’t tune out AMR and fire which is very annoying. Any opinions or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


Active Member
Feb 9, 2024
Freeport, Illinois
I am a Spokane County, Washington resident and am seriously thinking about buying a uniden Sds200. My only worry is the police will go to full encryption and my scanner will be obsolete in the near future. I currently listen to scanner 5.0 nightly here, but can’t tune out AMR and fire which is very annoying. Any opinions or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Move ? We All suffer from the same dilemma, so we try to find alternative radio interests such as Rail, Aircraft, Military, Marine, Gmrs, Murs and Fire/rescue.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 13, 2025
Oviedo, Fl
It really depends on your area. Right now I receive limited police traffic in Orange and Seminole County. But as previously noted, there are still lots of things to listen to. I have a local university, public works agencies, city bus routes as well as some fire and EMS that are very active. I get weak, but still some aviation as I am located between 3 airports. It's all fun to listen to and beats leaving the news stations on in the background since you get all this unfiltered.

Now, is this worth $700+ for the radio(you'll be buying antennas and other stuff not to mention DMR, NXDN and waterfall upgrades for your radio). Oh yea, programming software like Proscan and I'd suggest getting a premium sub to RR.

If I get a year or more of enjoyment out of this, it will have been worth the money and time. But your milage may vary.


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
I am a Spokane County, Washington resident and am seriously thinking about buying a uniden Sds200. My only worry is the police will go to full encryption and my scanner will be obsolete in the near future.

While enc can happen at any time, research is always advisable prior to making a large purchase.

Looks like your a new member here on this site. You should look in your states forum and see if there is any mention of enc for the systems you monitor. It could already be in the works. If you know anyone that works for the agencies you wish to monitor, have they heard anything?

Another thing to consider is what would you want to listen to? There is DMR, P25 and NXDN listed in that county. Addition paid upgrades are required for DMR, NXDN and Provoice (which does not look to be in use in that county).

Airway Heights Corrections CenterProject 25 Phase IVarious
Avista UtilitiesMPT-1327 StandardVarious
Community Colleges of SpokaneNXDN NEXEDGE 4800Spokane
Day Wireless (DMR)DMR Tier 3 Capacity MaxVarious
Day Wireless UHFLTR StandardSpokane
Eastern Washington UniversityNXDN NEXEDGE 9600Cheney
Gonzaga UniversityNXDN NEXEDGE 4800Spokane
Huntwood IndustriesLTR StandardLiberty Lake
Justice Integrated Wireless NetworkProject 25 Phase IIVarious
Meadowwood PartnershipLTR StandardLiberty Lake
Mobile Talk WirelessNXDN NEXEDGE 4800Various
Northern Quest CasinoDMR Motorola Capacity Plus Multi Site (TRBO)Airway Heights
Pacific NorthWest DMRDMR Conventional NetworkedVarious
Providence Medical CentersDMR Conventional NetworkedVarious
Spokane Regional Emergency Communications SystemProject 25 Phase ISpokane
Spokane Transit AuthorityProject 25 Phase IISpokane
Spokane Tribe CasinoNXDN NEXEDGE 4800Airway Heights
TRBOWEST (WA-OR-ID-CA)DMR Motorola Connect Plus (TRBO)Various
United States Air Force (57C)Project 25 Phase IMultiple
Washington Department of Transportation (P25)Project 25 Phase IIVarious
Wiztronics IncNXDN NEXEDGE 4800Various